if you could make a chyoo story into a porn movie


Literotica Guru
Jun 17, 2002
which one

and if you can think of names who would you cast
The Adventures of Anya starring Shakira.

Hell Inc. with Angelina Jolie as Skorpion, Dolph Lundgren as Kurt and the Rock as satan.


Hell Inc.
Good question...

you've asked a good question. What story would I like to see made into a porno? Of course I am going to say my two stories... A College girl to be... and A Lost Identity: Sex Fugitive.

Other than those two I'd like to see Summer Down Under, Good girl forced Bad, In from the Snow <-- it has a good storyline... even if I don't contribute to it anymore. There are more too, but I can't think of them... I'd need my list of threads to tell you exactly.

Now about casting... I am gonna have to think about it. I will get back to ya soon though with who I'd have play my characters from my two stories.

And one last note. Android, can I get an advanced ticket to Hell Inc? Sounds like a Blockbuster! Good casting too... the Rock as Satan... seems suiting. And the whole Tombraider look for Skorpion, you gotta love Angelina Jolie.

That's my thoughts.
-Tim (niceguy2002tim.
Who would be a good person to play the famous Sarah Banks?
Casting is Perfect


Your casting for Hell Inc. is perfect. Now whenever I write for the story I will have those characters in my head.

(Rant Mode on)

If you mean you want to see a chyoo story turned into a porn movie, with all of what that entails (I.e. Bad acting, bad production values, no distribution to speak of, only a few people seeing it) Then I'd have to say none at all.

However, if you mean a good quality film, then there are quite a few that I think would be very interesting. Chyoo itself is a different medium than a standard film, and I think with the new advances in DVD and other technologies, Chyoo stories would be best done as a direct to DVD film with plot points at which the story branches.

Yes it would require a heck of a lot more filming time and production time, but I think that the interactivity really would make the film a lot more interesting.

Just my 2p....

I've got to go with The Babysitter, or School Daze(the fact that I've contributed to School Daze in no way influenced the voting).:cool:
Well, I like lesbians. And I like a certain amount of plot and characterization. And in my porn movies, I like to see some variety in the girls. That's why I'd go with 7 Little College Girls by AaronWebster.

I don't think I could cast the film properly, partly because AW's been pretty specific with his descriptions and it would be hard to find a girl to fit each part, and partly because there simply are no redheaded big-busted twin-sister porn stars available to play Sam and Eric (though if there are and I've just missed them somehow, someone tell me where to find them!) :kiss: :kiss:
Excellent idea for discussion. I agree that an interactive DVD would be an ideal format. Kind of like Niceguy2002tim's www.romp.com but longer and in movie format. The costs of shooting would be amazingly high but it's nice to dream anyway. I'll have to give some thought to who I would cast as the actors in both my stories The Choices We Make and Summer Down Under. Any suggestions from anybody?

daciasdesire said:
I'll have to give some thought to who I would cast as the actors in both my stories The Choices We Make and Summer Down Under. Any suggestions from anybody?


Well, when I created the character of Monique de Fille for Choices, I had Penthouse model Julie Strain in mind. She doesn't have the "impossibly long hair" that I described, but everything else is based on her.

Could you post a pic of Julie Strain so I had an idea of what she looks like? If not do you know a link where I could find something of her? Thanks.

Check the Avatar. As of this date, 2-25-03, I've changed it to a picture of Julie. I'll probably change it back to a lesbian image in about a week.