If OBL's still alive, then why didn't he videotape his message? Theories abound!!


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
Here are a few ideas I've had about why OBL audiotaped his message instead of videotaping it.

1. Videotapes could conceivably give away his position and perhaps the allies have gotten a bit too close a couple of times for his liking.

2. The camera adds ten pounds. He's vain.

3. He always wanted to be a DJ and the tape isn't a threat, just an Al Jazeera air-check audition tape.

4. He didn't want anyone to see the computer in the background. See, OBL is really Pannsy and if we saw the computer, we'd all know.

5. He couldn't afford a new viedocamer, what with the mounting prices of plastique and shitbox pickup trucks.

6. He's become a nudist.

7. Allah told him that cassette tapes are making a big comeback and he wants to be on top of this trend, for once.

8. It wouldn't do for the faithful to see him chowing down on a North Carolina pork barbecue sandwich.

9. Have you *seen* the prices on i-Macs these days?

10. Five words: Top 40 radio air play!
The Disney audioanimatronics people didn't make the delivery date.

LovetoGiveRoses said:
Did they verify that it was indeed his voice?

That is what they are saying on tv today.

Well, the reason I've heard for why he is only on audiotape is that he has said that he will not appear on videotape again until after the next big attack. that's what I heard on the news a few days ago.

JazzManJim said:
Here are a few ideas I've had about why OBL audiotaped his message instead of videotaping it.

1. Videotapes could conceivably give away his position and perhaps the allies have gotten a bit too close a couple of times for his liking.

2. The camera adds ten pounds. He's vain.

3. He always wanted to be a DJ and the tape isn't a threat, just an Al Jazeera air-check audition tape.

4. He didn't want anyone to see the computer in the background. See, OBL is really Pannsy and if we saw the computer, we'd all know.

5. He couldn't afford a new viedocamer, what with the mounting prices of plastique and shitbox pickup trucks.

6. He's become a nudist.

7. Allah told him that cassette tapes are making a big comeback and he wants to be on top of this trend, for once.

8. It wouldn't do for the faithful to see him chowing down on a North Carolina pork barbecue sandwich.

9. Have you *seen* the prices on i-Macs these days?

10. Five words: Top 40 radio air play!

Jim, you think so much, I have gone crosseyed.
Good cameramen are hard to find.

Or hard cameramen are good to find....I can't decide which.
Dude... seriously... if you want to edit video there's no question you go with the iMac.

Anyways, my guess is that he's enrolled in a community college and taken some film classes and he's learned how bad and directorially incorrect his videos are and so he's not putting out one until he can put it out right.

On a serious note, there may be some valid reasons for no video:

1) He may have altered his visage.

2) He is ill, and his appearance would demoralize his followers. If you recall, his last video caused consternation about his physical appearance.......and some of the "Arab Street" implored him NOT to make videos.

3) It is possible that the mere getting of video equipment may be difficult for him at the moment. It is said that he doesnt move about and communicates only via messangers.
By messengers, I assume you mean Instant Messengers where OBL is known as |~*~SeXyTeRRiSt114~*~|
Ishmael said:
The Disney audioanimatronics people didn't make the delivery date.



It's really him? And here I thought Iraqi Intelligence had diverted one of their Saadam impersonators to try to subvert the jihad to their Arab nationalist banner.

Video?! That's easy! Why a video camera is what the Taliban used to blow up the Northen Alliance leader weeks before we invaded Afghanistan. I'm sure he could get one just like it for the asking.;)
He hadn't received his monthly subscription to Cave Dwelling Interior Decorating and was worried his abode wouldn't be trendy anymore.
his vidcam went lobat?

It has surprised me that the US government has failed to enlist the help of the one company/agency able to find OBL no matter where he is......

Reader's Digest.

They only have to lure him out with the old line of "you may have already won a C-4 factory"
Just maybe O-B-L doesn't want the world to know that his new butt plug is a patriot missle left over from Tora Bora?

Seriously, they... those "suposedly?!?!?!?!" in the 'know' say he's very ill/sick/wounded/whatever!, and that his appearance might dishearten his nasty lil' ole' followers.

Buck fin Laden........


Fuck bin Laden........ and the camel he rode in on too!

Semper Fi ! America!!!!!!!
floridaguy64 said:
Just maybe O-B-L doesn't want the world to know that his new butt plug is a patriot missle left over from Tora Bora?

Seriously, they... those "suposedly?!?!?!?!" in the 'know' say he's very ill/sick/wounded/whatever!, and that his appearance might dishearten his nasty lil' ole' followers.

Buck fin Laden........


Fuck bin Laden........ and the camel he rode in on too!

Semper Fi ! America!!!!!!!





