Idea for story/fetish. A twist on control/bdsm


Mar 4, 2011
Recently, when discussing with my mate, a fetish/idea has come up, and I want to see what others think of it, and also see if anyone knows of any existing stories exist.

The idea is that basically one partner is tied up, but is still in control. For instance, the female is completely bound spread eagle, so she cannot move even if she wanted to, but she has in her hand some sort of remote control torture device. If she is not being pleased well enough by her partner, she can deliver a shock of different severity to them.

Has anyone ever thought of this/tried this before? Anyone intrigued enough to write a story about it? Or know of any stories that exist.

I apologize if this is in the wrong forum
Right forum, splendid idea, intrigued. But it's not what I write. I could see the premise on a Dom, who was curious about the life of a sub- but refuses to lose control and let the sub go power hungry. Or...OR! Going by what you said; additionally, the Dom went too far one day and made up for it with a gift(shock collar like you said) that is still beneficial to the Dom in increasing their twisted ways. Unbeknownst to the Sub, who thinks they have trapped their Dom in a sub position,, quickly learns that isn't so. Maybe an empathetic outfit that transfers one of their pains to the others pleasure.
In Formal BDSM, this is called "topping from the bottom" and is frowned upon. If you're not a purist, it's a good way to have fun.

When I'm tied down spread eagle I don't want to have to fool with machinery. A word to the wise is sufficient.

But, if you prefer machines to words, it's a great idea.

One has to visualize a scenario where it all turns bad, though. Like in "Gerald's Game" by Stephen King. A shock to the collar and the one on top has a heart attack, leaving the one tied to the bed in a desperate situation. :eek: