I Will Never Turn Medicare Into A Voucher


~Watch the Birdie~
Jan 19, 2009
Obama At DNC: “I Will Never Turn Medicare Into A Voucher” – Next Day: HHS Pilot Program To Send 2 Million Poor Seniors From Medicare Into Voucher Programs…

Voucher Program
And yet, somehow Obama is a marxist/communist. :D

It never ceases to amaze me when that one is thrown out. Wasn't it Daley that asked for proof and there was a deafening silence?
Obama At DNC: “I Will Never Turn Medicare Into A Voucher” – Next Day: HHS Pilot Program To Send 2 Million Poor Seniors From Medicare Into Voucher Programs…

Voucher Program

There are no "vouchers". That is a lie and you are a liar.

The pilot program affects those eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. Right now, there are conflicting rules of eligibility between the two programs. For example, your Alzheimer's medication may be covered at 60% by Medicare and 50% by Medicaid, while your herpes treatments might by covered at 20% by Medicare and 40% by Medicaid.

Rather than force you to spend hours away from your beloved video games, this pilot program pays insurance companies directly to figure out the different billings on your behalf. You're essentially enrolled in an HMO with no co-pay.

Of course, big government fans like you are probably sad that President Obama didn't create a giant new government agency to reconcile the differences in Medicare/Medicaid spending...... :rolleyes:
You don't have two parties in the US. You have two wings of the same party, the far right and the further right.

I guess that's why the GOP put a liberal up as their candidate to save M'erikuah from the less liberal guy flying the liberal banner that we currently have in office.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHA B/C we are so right wing.....HAHAHAHA fucking retard.
There are no "vouchers". That is a lie and you are a liar.

The pilot program affects those eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. Right now, there are conflicting rules of eligibility between the two programs. For example, your Alzheimer's medication may be covered at 60% by Medicare and 50% by Medicaid, while your herpes treatments might by covered at 20% by Medicare and 40% by Medicaid.

Rather than force you to spend hours away from your beloved video games, this pilot program pays insurance companies directly to figure out the different billings on your behalf. You're essentially enrolled in an HMO with no co-pay.

Of course, big government fans like you are probably sad that President Obama didn't create a giant new government agency to reconcile the differences in Medicare/Medicaid spending...... :rolleyes:

Instead of taking the conservative lies as fact why not get actual facts? Here's the official program itself: http://www.cms.gov/Medicare-Medicai...toSupportStatesEffortsinCareCoordination.html

Read about it and you'll see what you're thinking is entirely untrue.

Lol...you guys crack me up...not arguing the issues but the semantics. And spewing all that hate while you're at it. Such lonely people you all must be.
Lol...you guys crack me up...not arguing the issues but the semantics. And spewing all that hate while you're at it. Such lonely people you all must be.

What a bizarre comment. I provided you the whole substance of the program. What I did was actually the exact opposite of arguing semantics.
What a bizarre comment. I provided you the whole substance of the program. What I did was actually the exact opposite of arguing semantics.

Must be the stress of that 60-hour work week in retirement getting to him.