I was just . . .


A god in a past life
Sep 20, 2002
. . . pondering.

Political correctness is a studdied, or perhaps forced, diversion from the process of evolution that has brought us to what we are. We can no longer describe people with words that have judgemental connotations. Those judgements that have filtered out unwanted, and strengthened desireable genetic features in the past couple of million years.

What I wonder is, is this a denial of our animal origins, or a triumph of intellect over instinct?
political correctness is bull shit. an attempt by those kids no one liked in school to ruin the rest of everyone elses lives.
Meltzer said:
political correctness is bull shit.
Some of it is and some of it isn't.... maybe the kids that where dumpted on at school are just trying to make it better for those that follow in the same trail they did....
i got dumped on in school but i sucked it up dealt with it. iwas made a better person for it and people recognized this and left me alone. pc folks are just begging for attention. like peta i hate peta. they ruin everything. just let me eat my bleeding peice of raw cow and leave me alone!
An oh how peole love the release from it when they get on here. It's like people have been shackled, then when they get released they go and use their freedom to riot. Isn't there a balance?
Politically Correctness can go to far I'll agree......but is it a bad thing to make an attempt not to be offensive?
i still think the best example that i've personally seen as to how reeediculous political correctness has become is the local gradeschool's fourth of july celebration last year. there was to be an all day "fair" with dunking booth, sponge toss, etc. and a "peace pull" instead of a tug o' war because tug o' war had a violent connotation. just bite me please.
Christmas has become politically incorrect.....how curious is that?
Political correctness has become so skewed I don't know what the hell it means anymore. It seems the new fad is to declare oneself non-PC. Same trendy bullshit, different label.