I want an atheist black woman for president


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002

atheist necause there would be no pandering to the "vast right wing"

black and female so that people will shut the fuck up about it being the rich white boys club.

The only thing i know for sure about it, regardless what side she ran for the other along with her fellow black people would call her a sell out, that is guaranteed to happen.
Well, yeah but she's probably been called a sell-out all her life if she's involved with politics but I'm sure she'd be able to handle it.

As long as she makes me a close advisor, I can go wit dat!! :D
I could go for an Atheist president.. it is the only shot at an unbiased religious thought ever coming out of teh White House.
Blackbich said:
Well, yeah but she's probably been called a sell-out all her life if she's involved with politics but I'm sure she'd be able to handle it.

As long as she makes me a close advisor, I can go wit dat!! :D

may I be your intern ;)