I really wanna tell you what I think of you, so c'mere.


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
I have nothing nice to say, so come sit by me.
Re: Re: I really wanna tell you what I think of you, so c'mere.

Hanns_Schmidt said:

Don't fuck with my crushygirl....she'll get really mean.
Re: Re: Re: I really wanna tell you what I think of you, so c'mere.

Hanns_Schmidt said:

shut the fuck up you hairy mother fucker

what the fuck is going on with that shag carpet on you>

Diagnosis: Repressed hostility
Cure: Hard kick in the nuts thereby releasing said hostility out of his big yap.
TWB said:
By you?

I want your lap.

you, you don't call. You make girls cry. What's wrong with you?

<I was using my guilt there>
Re: Re: I really wanna tell you what I think of you, so c'mere.

Hanns_Schmidt said:
You need an education. You're almost funny, but the wow is so mocking.
Oooooo! Perky? If I come sit by you will you tell me something naughty, not nice? *leers*
patient1 said:
Be patient, I'll get there.

dude, you're patient, I'm perky. You're quite forgetful, you should fix that.