I Love Auto Complete šŸ¤£


Sep 9, 2011
Somehow hallway becomes holiday. Geesh! "I stepped out into the holiday"

A couple of days ago, tilted became titled.

Got any humorous examples of your own?
I just get the shits with the autocorrects and feel like turning it off. But they're mostly useful, so I don't.

I saw a cute one over on the Feedback Forum the other day, nibbles instead of nipples, but sorta kinda appropriate.
I have autocomplete and the rest of that "helpful" crap turned off.
And now it just tried to change leaving to leaving. And autocomplete here in the comments just did the same thing.

"Laving" you stupid bot, not leaving!
The issue I have is that my auto complete learns the most common vocabulary I use and pushes it towards the front of the recommendations. With the amount I post here, it's gotten fairly blue.

I was writing a work text last week and it was recommending 'vaginal' over 'vague after 3 letters'
I see this at my job all the time from one engineer. In most industries, it's cheaper to use the same parts for several different applications, like using the same screw in several places instead of using different screws. It called "commonization". I finally had to email the engineer and tell her to shut of auto-correct, because "commonize" always was corrected to "communize".

I had some fun with my Word spellchecker when I was stumped for an idea for a story.

I typed in

"The callgirl rubbed her titties when my pud shot cum on her clitty."

Spellcheck had some better words.

"The Calgary rubbed her tithes when my pub shot cum on her clothe."

I don't know why it recognizes "cum" because I didn't add it to the dictionary, but it seems to.

This is why my spell check is never set to autocorrect.
I tried to write on my wife's iPad when we were on our frequent trips to our cabin last summer. It wasn't practical to turn autocorrect off because we handed it off frequently and she was used to it. I, however, came close to testing its Frisbee-ness on more than a couple of occasions.

I bought a MacBook Air as a result. Yeah, that's it. It's really good marketing on Apple's part to make you so angry and frustrated trying to get something serious done on their half-a-computer you beg them to make you spend $1000+ on something that actually produces content rather than consume it.

A colleague complained that their phone always wanted to change 'sonoma state [university]' to 'sodomy state.'