I just put on cologne

Its not like i did it on purpose... Glad I had some water to rinse my mouth out with...
Now I'm confused. How on earth did you manage to get colonge on your tongue if you didn't do it on purpose?
I got a hair in my mouth and went to get the hair out.. I do have a goattee..

These things happen I guess...
Pixie Mischief said:
The cologne silly

It seems to me that it would be diffcult to play polo with cologne.

The bottle would be too small to swim in and too small and immobile to ride while whacking a ball with a long handled hammer.
Oh dont mock me I have enough of my BF who does that :rolleyes: the cologne named polo geez. and dont start and go "its got a name?"
Pixie Mischief said:
Oh dont mock me I have enough of my BF who does that :rolleyes: the cologne named polo geez. and dont start and go "its got a name?"

I'm not mocking you. I'm teasing you. There is a difference, although it is usually indistinguishable.

My bologna has a first name, so why should your cologne be any different?