I Hope She Kicks His Ass!

Yeah, honest businesswoman my ass, no matter whether you think prostitution should be legal or not.

Also, I wouldn't think someone who writes sex stories involving 12 year olds in the act of sex really should be throwing the first stone about sex that is at least between two consenting adults, don't you think?

Of course not, you're either a troll or a complete fucking pedo moron. My guess is both.

Yeah, honest businesswoman my ass, no matter whether you think prostitution should be legal or not.

Also, I wouldn't think someone who writes sex stories involving 12 year olds in the act of sex really should be throwing the first stone about sex that is at least between two consenting adults, don't you think?

Of course not, you're either a troll or a complete fucking pedo moron. My guess is both.


Clearly the Democrat voter has no moral value other than the one he holds Republicans to.

As far as the outrage against people who write about underage sex, Dixon Carter Lee has a butt-load of friends and fans on this site.