I hate the Howie Long and Teri Hatcher commercials

Everything that just disgusts me about America sometimes...the advertising bullshit...the materialism...the phony sexual banter....two idiots who look good....Damn I am starting to sound like Redwave...i will stop...
sufisaint said:
Damn I am starting to sound like Redwave...

Now now, have a beer and some steak.... things can never get that bad in your life. Don't be so harsh on yourself.
Any commercial with Teri Hatcher in it can't be all bad, can it? Boy, this is a tough crowd.
They're so cool. And she was nekkid in the one movie and they sagged a bit, if you know what I mean...
Let me rephrase that...

Terry and Howie so cool together. [He's the ONLY Raider I ever liked because he seemed so UN-Raiderish.] And BTW, she was nekkid in the one movie and they sagged a bit, if you know what I mean...
HeavyStick said:
She needs to be nekkid and he needs to shut up for starters.

Not until she's gained at least 8lbs. She's fucking skelatal.
SINthysist said:
And she was nekkid in the one movie and they sagged a bit, if you know what I mean...

I think the movie was Heaven's Prisoners, or something like that. If she sagged abit, who cares. At least we know they're real. :D
No, it was the one in the South... Society, Kevin Spacey, murder, a drag queen...
She did look mighty fine in "The World is Not enough."

Howie is cool on his own, without Terri, but he just looks so uncomfortable in those commercials.

But these commercials are nowhere as grating as the Carrot-Top and Dell-Dude commercials.
Riff, I swear that your AV looks like my ex father-in-law. Well, maybe my ex FIL on a good day.
SINthysist said:
No, it was the one in the South... Society, Kevin Spacey, murder, a drag queen...

She musta been nekkid then in a couple movies. If I remember correctly, in Heaven's Prisoners she was a drug dealer's wife, and Alec Baldwin was the lead actor playing an ex-cop.
sunstruck said:

Not until she's gained at least 8lbs. She's fucking skelatal.

I'd let her climb atop ole "Mt. Heavy" before that skinny skank Calista Flockheart

They aren't nearly as annoying to me as the "I LOVE LOVE LOVE working here at Walmart" commercials. Those really make me puke.
but those are funny because the ppl in em are senile and/or dumb as a brick