Fido in my case refers to a guitar that combines the model of the Gibson SG with specs of its main rival, Fender.
The Gibson SG.
The way I make a Fido is by making an SG shaped boy and marrying it with an existing Fender style neck which usually bolts on, although I made a couple where I glued the neck in.
The very first Fido, which had a sandwich body of oak and pine and the neck of a Fender Telecaster.
And last year I decided to make a second one. This one differed from the first by it having not only a Fender neck but also Fender style pickups and electronics and by it having a walnut body.
And today I finished the build of a third one, made from pieces of scrapwood that lay around my Parents' house, I made it so I could use up old parts that I had lying around.
And here it is with it's older sister.
As for why I named that marriage between Gibson and Fender "Fido" you only have to look at the headstock of the first one for the answer.
That's a mid eighties 7up Fido Dido button that I glued on there.
Although the most recent one got a custom decal.
The Gibson SG.
The way I make a Fido is by making an SG shaped boy and marrying it with an existing Fender style neck which usually bolts on, although I made a couple where I glued the neck in.
The very first Fido, which had a sandwich body of oak and pine and the neck of a Fender Telecaster.
And last year I decided to make a second one. This one differed from the first by it having not only a Fender neck but also Fender style pickups and electronics and by it having a walnut body.
And today I finished the build of a third one, made from pieces of scrapwood that lay around my Parents' house, I made it so I could use up old parts that I had lying around.
And here it is with it's older sister.
As for why I named that marriage between Gibson and Fender "Fido" you only have to look at the headstock of the first one for the answer.
That's a mid eighties 7up Fido Dido button that I glued on there.
Although the most recent one got a custom decal.