I don't care.


...a curious sort
Mar 11, 2002
I don't care.

Lately...it seems as though I just want to scream this from the depth of my soul. My apathy for just about everything has gone rather extreme.

I don't care about the environment, or the ozone layer. - I'll be dead long before either of them are 100% destroyed.

I don't care about most all charitable organizations. - I say "most" because I like to hold out hope that somewhere, some group is still on the up and up. When I see volunteers with a boot or a canister or a red bucket perched in an intersection or outside of a business somewhere, I just cringe inside.

I don't care about politics or politicians or corporate C.E.O's. They will do what they do, and even if we are lucky enough to find an honest one somewhere along the line...they will get pushed to the wayside by all the rest of the less trustworthy ones.

I don't care about third-world countries, impoverished nations, or any land or group of people who choose to voice their opinion of hate or discontent towards the United States. Because... quite frankly, if there was a better alternative ...then that would be the top of the ladder, and therefore be the ones who everyone hated.

I don't care about Hollywood insiders, or actors, or other "celebrities". All they are...are normal people who happen to be in extraordinary occupations, constantly in the spotlight. I feel that "Joe the Grocer" or "Mabel the Receptionist" could provide just as much entertainment value if they had a large staff of writers, makeup artists, and acting coaches to back them up.

I don't care about people with drug addiction, unwed mothers, or people with financial bankruptcy problems....because they are all self-imposed problems. Noone forced you to take an illegal substance, have a child, or put that X-Box on your Visa card.

What I do care about... which is relatively small in comparison to all of the things I don't... is the fact that even though I have no children of my own, that I have the love of my God-daughter. And...fortunately for me, her very being makes dealing with the other "things" a little more bearable.

And...in many ways...she forces me to "care"...for her sake.

Find someone or something you care about...and put them on a pedestle this week. You don't need a reason. The fact that they mean something to you is reason enough.

My miracle son is my reason. I believe all children should be anyone’s reason to care. He is and will always be on my pedestal, and my reason for smiling.
Vilac said:

What I do care about... which is relatively small in comparison to all of the things I don't... is the fact that even though I have no children of my own, that I have the love of my God-daughter. And...fortunately for me, her very being makes dealing with the other "things" a little more bearable.

And...in many ways...she forces me to "care"...for her sake.

Find someone or something you care about...and put them on a pedestle this week. You don't need a reason. The fact that they mean something to you is reason enough.

It really isn't relatively small. I think the love for a child/ren is the best and biggest treasures we are given. To be blessed by such innocence and live vicariously through their carefree eyes makes it easier to face each day. They give you reason. They give you purpose. They breathe new life into your soul. I think you are caring about something that is absolutely the richest and most valuable gifts ever. Hugs to you V!
Then this week I place my #1TC upon the pedestal. He more than deserves it!:D
I care. I do. I'm careful with my words.

But, I do empathize V. I have felt apathy, too. Sometimes, you just get tired.
