I am in love Samanthia!


Not Innocent
Oct 26, 2001
Yes. I am in love. She's a bit younger then I am; in fact she's quite a bit younger. No matter; she has my heart and that's all that matters.
No Sam is my 2 year old dog.. ;)

Babies are wonderful.. when they belong to someone else.
Black_Bird said:

Someone didn't get the humor in that.
uhh, no actually you are the one who didnt get the humor. thanks for playing though, i hope you'll enjoy one of our excellent consellation prizes.
Freaky - YES. I have made it quite clear that I am willing to do everything but change her; that makes me a little squeemish. I adore this child... I'm completely infatuated with her and the more time I spend the deeper it becomes. The little buggers are infectious. :)

I have got the chance to really be around any of my three neices/nephews... so this really is a bit of a new experience for me. :)
Why won't you change her? That's the funnest part ;)

She's a lucky little girl to have you in her life.