I am a multi-cliquer!


Nov 27, 2002
I just thought I would make that clear for everyone.

I am one who can find something good in everyone. It may just be the way they blink their eyes in a certain light...but it is really good at that moment.

I don't hold a whole lot of grudges...someone may totally piss me off for a brief period in time but usually the problem can be worked out to a satisfactory conclusion.

Don't you think that it would be better for everyone to find positives about others rather than stay stagnant in one mode?

Come on...be a multi-cliquer, too. ;)
Mia62 said:
I just thought I would make that clear for everyone.

I am one who can find something good in everyone. It may just be the way they blink their eyes in a certain light...but it is really good at that moment.

I don't hold a whole lot of grudges...someone may totally piss me off for a brief period in time but usually the problem can be worked out to a satisfactory conclusion.

Don't you think that it would be better for everyone to find positives about others rather than stay stagnant in one mode?

Come on...be a multi-cliquer, too. ;)

I swear to God... you WERE a cheerleader in high school, weren't you?
No...I just hadn't grown into my unique personality 100% yet...and I was also 20lb overweight.
Mia you piss me off to no end, you ignorant bubbly hussie two bit donkey whore!


Whew, that's better. Say I like that curiousity thing about you.
Hey, what's a clique? Is that anything like spam?
Mannn...you sure do have a way with words!! Do you give lessons?

Apparently a clique...like spam...tastes good when served with rice.
At least you have a clique...I get ignored 9 posts out of 10 when I write something.

It's giving me an Identity Crisis: Did I post? I thought I posted....why didn't anyone respond to my post?

I guess I'm too middle of the road. Not sexy enough to get hit on, not nasty enough to get slammed and too polite to get trolled much.

"Jokers to the left of me, clowns to the right, here I am...stuck in the middle with you..." Looks around. "Hey, where did you go?";)
Pfft. I must be stuck in the middle with you, PS, cuz I don't ignore your posts!! :p

I don't think of myself as belonging to any particular clique. I think I have friends from several different groups, and I like it that way. I get more gossip that way. *smirks*
Mia, you know I'm playin ;-)

Lion, awesome av. *hums Oh Canada*

PS, it might have something to do with the whole succubus thing. I ran into one of those once and she wasn't polite about her attempts to rip out my soul. I've learned to keep my distance from succubi
Nora said:
I don't think of myself as belonging to any particular clique. I think I have friends from several different groups, and I like it that way. I get more gossip that way. *smirks*

Psst...dingleberrry, that is what being a multi-cliquer is all about. :kiss:
Mia62 said:
Psst...dingleberrry, that is what being a multi-cliquer is all about. :kiss:

nononononononononono! A multi-cliquer would belong to multiple cliques. I belong to none, I just coopt members for my own personal gang of street thugs and informants! :D
Mia62 said:
*sigh* That is one school I was never allowed to associate with.

Oh yeah... sucks to be you :rolleyes:

Now repeat after me

Cameltoe is good
cameltoe is good
cameltoe is...
Nora; you are a true and shining gem and I've said so before, so you know I mean it:rose:

Sterling; I always say please and thank you and never rip anything....I just borrow some engery and give back........other stuff.
PoliteSuccubus said:

Sterling; I always say please and thank you and never rip anything....I just borrow some engery and give back........other stuff.

Uh huh, that's what she said. *backs away slowly from to succubus*

Hey Mia, ready for another lesson? Check that quote in my siggie
Are you ready to wing one out yourself?
PoliteSuccubus said:
Nora; you are a true and shining gem and I've said so before, so you know I mean it:rose:

I'm sparkly!!!!!!!! :D You rock, PS. You really do! I think more people 'round these here parts notice you than you think. :kiss:
sterlingclay said:
Hey Mia, ready for another lesson? Check that quote in my siggie
Are you ready to wing one out yourself?

OMG...I am so sorry...were you saying something in words?? I sorta kinda almost not really got lost in the visuals.

Ya, like the guy in the funny hat making his way towards the door over there...........;)
Turn around and show everyone your funny hat! I know you changed your av just for me and my comment, but I also know you've got it hiding your assets!
PoliteSuccubus said:
Turn around and show everyone your funny hat! I know you changed your av just for me and my comment, but I also know you've got it hiding your assets!

Hear me now and believe me later. It's just a coincidence, really.