I accidentally edited a story after it had been approved

Apr 17, 2021

I recently submitted a story and it sat pending approval for a few days. I realized that there were a few grammar and spelling errors and went through and fixed them, only to realize after I had made the edits that the story had actually just been approved while I was working on it and was set to be published at midnight. Now my story has both the "New" and "Pending" label and I just want to make sure I didn't entirely mess it up. Will it go back into the queue for approval if it already has the "New" label on it? I don't mind getting pushed to the back of the line, I'd rather it be delayed and published with my new fixes, but I just want to make sure I didn't put it in some kind of weird limbo.

It's gone live. Your edit will have been too late to catch it. If you submit your edits now, it'll take a week or more to publish, so it's out there now, as originally written.