Hunukkah Latkes--Gangsta Style

Illiterate pronunciation of the word 'gangster' used by hip-hop artists in an attempt in increase their intimidation factor, notoriety, etc. In redneck neighborhoods, a good way to get shot. In inner city, gang-ridden neighborhoods, a good way to get shot. In Hollywood, a good way to make money before being shot.
Illiterate pronunciation of the word 'gangster' used by hip-hop artists in an attempt in increase their intimidation factor, notoriety, etc. In redneck neighborhoods, a good way to get shot. In inner city, gang-ridden neighborhoods, a good way to get shot. In Hollywood, a good way to make money before being shot.
And in videos like this one...good for a laugh :D
Yo, yo, yo, me an' mah homies be inta dose gangsta Latkes, fasho. Y'know what I'm sayin', dey is aight. Booya! :D

I must see if I can translate that into Ancient Sanskrit or something, perhaps.