how to keep my girl coming back for more?


Mar 22, 2002
my new girlfriend is stayin over at mine in a few days and i need somethin original (sexually) to blow her mind and keep her 'coming back for more'. So have you guys got any special techniques you would like to share. Or girls....what would really do it for u with a new date.
If you want her coming back for more you need to start by finding out what SHE likes.

People here can tell you all about technique, but truthfully what turns one person on may not necessarily do it for her. The most attractive feature a lover can have is a willingness to learn his/her partner's body. Explore and discover where and how she likes to be touched and kissed, then use that knowledge to drive her crazy. I guarantee she'll come back for more.
Keep her guessing. Try something new everytime you are intimate. And also shower her with attention. If you make her feel special it'll keep her coming back more often than just learning new sex techniques.