How many stories have you added to?


Oct 25, 2001
I´d like to put up some kind of author ranking based on how many stories by other editors you added a thread to which was accepted. Maybe this is an incentive for some to contribute to new fields.

So the next time you´re in "my threads", count other peoples´s stories with at least one green status field and post the answer here; I´ll then compile the highscore list. I will take all entries at face value and trust in your honesty. Let´s see who´s on top!

And here´s the first ranking list:

1 - jakelyon - 58
2 - marmot - 34
3 - niceguy2002tim - 33
4 - daciasdesire- 26
5 - kendahl6969 - 23
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This is already being tallied. See the My threads (your threads) thread started by Daciasdesire.
Mark some down for me...

I think while Dacia's thread and Marmots are very similar the difference would be this. Dacia's is for 2003, and Marmot wants to know how many stories you've added to since you joined Chyoo whenever that was. Am I right? If that is the case, here are my satistics... I think I've actually got more than this now, however, this is what I worked out a week ago.

How many threads.

Story/ Editor

19 The Choices We Make Daciasdesire
10 A Bet leads to Domination in the Workplace Switch76
8 A Good girl forced Bad Jakelyon
5 Sappho's Amulet. Gystex
5 Doctor's Visit. Rusty69

51 An assortment of 28 different stories. 28 editors.

49 A College girl to be... & A Lost ID: Sex fugitive. ME, ME, ME.

So including my 2 stories I have contributed to 35 stories... maybe a little more.

-Tim (niceguy2002tim)
I count 235 approved threads in 58 different stories.

I like to spread it around I guess.


my count

my count for threads to other authors (accepted) in the past year I've submitted--23 different stories with a total of 258 different threads

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I've contributed to a grand total of 66 threads for editors other than myself in 26 different stories.
