I´d like to put up some kind of author ranking based on how many stories by other editors you added a thread to which was accepted. Maybe this is an incentive for some to contribute to new fields.
So the next time you´re in "my threads", count other peoples´s stories with at least one green status field and post the answer here; I´ll then compile the highscore list. I will take all entries at face value and trust in your honesty. Let´s see who´s on top!
And here´s the first ranking list:
1 - jakelyon - 58
2 - marmot - 34
3 - niceguy2002tim - 33
4 - daciasdesire- 26
5 - kendahl6969 - 23
So the next time you´re in "my threads", count other peoples´s stories with at least one green status field and post the answer here; I´ll then compile the highscore list. I will take all entries at face value and trust in your honesty. Let´s see who´s on top!
And here´s the first ranking list:
1 - jakelyon - 58
2 - marmot - 34
3 - niceguy2002tim - 33
4 - daciasdesire- 26
5 - kendahl6969 - 23
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