How many e-mail address do you have?

uh...7. But I only use 2 and one of those is work.
two email addies

one from my server (the one where I get emails from family and friends) and one hotmail account that I use for IM's, Lit and such.

Oh.. and I used to have an angelfire account.. but who knows if it's still there. Haven't checked it in months.
I used to have 5. I have no consolidated it to two..the yahoo and the hotmail. Hotmail is usually close friends and family and resume stuff. and Yahoo is lit etc. Depends on the person and what they are sending. I check both all the time.
I have four. The first is for personal things, like keeping in touch with my friends, as well as business.

The second is for all that stupid online shit that requires you to give an email address to do anything at the site.

The third is a dummy address that I set up so I can avoid giving my real name online.

The last is an account that my dad set up for me when we switched to Cox. I never use it, and I check it maybe once every two or three months or so (it never gets anything).
4 I guess.

One for Work, one for genealogy research, one for general "family" type people and resume shuttling when I was looking for a jobs and one for everything else.

Sometimes I'll go to Yahoo or Hotmail and create one if I'm going to be visiting a bunch of sites where I have to Register but I don't plan on going back again. I never check any of those though and Yahoo and/or Hotmail deletes them after 90 days.
At one point, I was up to eight. :eek:
But now I use three main ones.
five. One at work, one hotmail, one for playing around, one for junk mail, and one kept in reserve.
I have 5.

3 Yahoo address, one my main email and two for groups I'm in
1 Excite which is my backup
1 Hotmail for when I sign up for things
9 - hotmail addies - One for my stories and the board and three for work and the rest for play.

2- Yahoo addies

1 - Through my isp

I check five of the hotmail's at least once a day, the others once a week.
Yahoo addies maybe once every two weeks.
I have 7

3 for work
2 hotmail accounts. 1 of which is my main account, the other I mainly use as a "dummy" address.
2 yahoo that I rarely use, only check them once every couple of weeks.
I have 5, 2 used for mostly business and 1 for family, the other 2 I hardly ever check.
At least 7 that I can remember: one for professional biz, one for motorcycle lists, one for newsgroups, two for "The Heretic" (one more anonymous than the other), two old yahoo addys that I don't use much anymore.
More than I can remember, but only 4 that I really use. I keep one for spam, and one for family stuff, and a couple others.
Hmm. Gotta think here.

I just lost my main one (through school), but got it back with an alumni service. That one's a front, and I just created a new e-mail address to take in that mail.

I have one through my ISP.

I have a main Yahoo! address and an "adults-only" address.

I have a few Hotmail accounts I never use.

I have a junk e-mail address.

So, nine that I know of.
