How do you meet a nice Lit woman for web cam fun?

Dunno. I'd imagine you become friends with one via posting or in the chat-rooms. Get to know each other and what type of person they are. Just like normal, except via a posting board on the internet. (Remeber: no stalking, unless it for fun - in which case both parties know it).
The same way you meet someone in real life. It takes time. You start talking to someone, see if you have things in common, make friends with her, and then bring your friendship tothe next level. If you are looking to come in here and meet someone and that night get to do it, I say good luck.
I know you have to get through the chat, etc.. A La get to know someone,lol. But I just wanted to see who would say hello on this thread.
guy4play said:
I just want to meet the fabulous Zilla... webcam, in person .. whatever!! :p :D

AWhhh :eek: You're makin' me blush!

I just ask because, while I've been known to get freaky on my webcam after having a few glasses of vino...I've only been on the other side of that once or twice. As in, watching someone else get freaky. Hmmm....
Zilla said:
AWhhh :eek: You're makin' me blush!

I just ask because, while I've been known to get freaky on my webcam after having a few glasses of vino...I've only been on the other side of that once or twice. As in, watching someone else get freaky. Hmmm....

Hmmm... I do not currently have a web cam, however, I am more than willing to buy one, hire a camera crew...... Whatever to see more of you!!:D
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Zilla said:

Ok.. that was a sweet response... But I was hoping for ... "click here to see me on my cam" ... or "when you coming to Wyoming cowboy?"!!! :p
Always seems that there 10 guys willing to broadcast themselves jacking off on a webcam for every 1 woman who even has her webcam on...

I'm one of the ten, btw!
