Hindus Converting in Record numbers

yayati said:
It is being reported that Hinduism is the the religion most people are converting away from.
Christianity in India is speading rapidly...

I know two Hindu girls (gujarati) that converted to christianity in the last month...

Any insight as to why this is hapening?
Maybe the BJP's cunning tactics of re-writing history in an attempt to make Hinduism a state religion are pissing people off?
yayati said:
It is being reported that Hinduism is the the religion most people are converting away from.
Christianity in India is speading rapidly...

I know two Hindu girls (gujarati) that converted to christianity in the last month...

Any insight as to why this is hapening?

That's odd, my brother converted from christianity to Vaisnavism.
yayati said:
you blame the bjp and not the missonary tactics of american/european christian fundamentalist who use bribary?
I don't know about Christian missionaries, but I wouldn't put much stock in a religious conversion accomplished by bribery. And aren't Hindus converting to Islam, also?

As far as BJP goes, trying to force their Hindutva agenda into the schools seems a reversal of India's long tradition of religious tolerance.
is there any one to blame anyway? i dont think so,
Well, you asked.
yayati said:
Cuckolded_BlK_Male: i dont think vaisnavism exists i think its called dharma dont fall for that nonesense expoused by weirdo swarmis...dharma is dharma is dharma

You'll get no argument from me. I'm an avowed atheist. It is my brother who's always going on and on about the sons of Dhritarashtra and Pandu. From my perspective The Gita, as with the much less interesting Bible and Quran, is pure philosophical fiction. They are only significant to me as works of ancient literature.
yayati said:
Cuckolded_BlK_Male: are u seriously an atheist or are u actually agnostic ....there is a big difference

I am an Atheist. I don't believe in deities of an stripe, nor do I believe that any being is responsible for the creation of the universe. If anything, the stars are my gods. They really did make us all.
yayati said:
Byron In Exile: no, paste it here if u can thanx

CBM: erm...where did the stars come from? did they arise naturally from nothing?

No they coalesced from interstellar hydrogen of course.

I know where you're going with this, and I don't see the logic in placing some personified being as the initial impetus for the creation of the Universe. Where would this being have become from? If one can believe in a human like god who has no beginning, why not a Universe that has no beginning.

(By no beginning I mean that time/space may not have existed prior to the big bang ... so phrases like "prior to the big bang" are meaningless.)
yayati said:
Byron In Exile: no, paste it here if u can thanx
Okay, let me find it...
CBKM: erm...where did the stars come from? did they arise naturally from nothing?
Of the non-existent there is no coming to be; of the existent there is no ceasing to be. The certainty of both these propositions is surely seen by the perceivers of truth.
Re: Byron,

CelestialBody said:
If you don't mind my asking, what do you practice-if anything?
I practice open inquiry. Because all religions have basically the same goal, which is to understand this phenomenon we find ourselves involved in. To the extent they become perverted into instruments for controlling large numbers of people, they're less useful. But at their core is usually something true which attracted people in the first place.