Hi, I'm Ruby. Nice to meet you.

Hi sexy...I think I've seen three of your av's today and that is not a complaint.
Hello Ruby, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm a bit tired from three days of no sleep. Other than that, I'm fine. And you?
Hi everybody.

Gunner, only three? ;-)

Sunny, I'm glad you're here. I'm having a problem with my pipe. It's clogged and no better after changing the screen. What should I do?

Muse, I hear ya on the sleep deprivation. It's a killer. I have ways to get to sleep, but none that keep me asleep past four hours lately.

BB, thank you. :)

Emerald, Max, good to hear you're doing well.
Hiya Ruby baby! You are still beautiful as ever!
Rubyfruit said:
[BSunny, I'm glad you're here. I'm having a problem with my pipe. It's clogged and no better after changing the screen. What should I do?

Suck harder. Pretend it's - ok lol I'm kidding.

There's resin build up in the tube. You can boil it and get it all soft and use a pipe cleaner. OR, you can just untwist a paper clip and start scraping. When I was in college and desperate we used to smoke the resin. It's harsh and not a clean high, lol I don't do that anymore.
Hi Ruby!

I usually hang with the juvenile delinquents here at the Lit Board, but I think you're the tops. (does that make me a bottom? I don't think I wanna think about it anymore)

I'm alive. Considering It's still mid October and there was snow on the ground this morning just being alive ought to be worth something.
Thanks for stopping by everybody.

I'm sorry I don't have anything more interesting to say.
I'm just wondercookies!

And don't worry about not having anything wonderful to say. You're just wonderful to look at.

Herro Rubykins! I'm doing swell, thanks! I was thinking about you today at work, actually. I'd tell you what I was thinking, but I don't think it's pervy enough for Lit. :D