I have a flower/vegetable garden. About 1/2 my neighbors like it, and about half don't. There are no laws against gardens in this county, and there are no deed restrictions regulating gardens. But that doesn't stop a vocal few from complaining to the code enforcement department, and I get visitors from the county on a regular basis. Usually after I tell two old ladies from the Homeowners Beautification Association to kiss my ass. They walk around with clipboards taking notes. Their group has no official standing anywhere. Most people here refuse to join or donate to them.
So today a narc from the county comes by asking me all kinds of questions about the garden. He says he's selling alarms but doesn't wanna talk about alarms, he wants to quiz me about the garden, especially if I sell veggies or flowers. This is what government does. It harasses people who mind their own business.
So today a narc from the county comes by asking me all kinds of questions about the garden. He says he's selling alarms but doesn't wanna talk about alarms, he wants to quiz me about the garden, especially if I sell veggies or flowers. This is what government does. It harasses people who mind their own business.