Here's an Interesting Google Trip for You


Libertarian Sage
Oct 11, 2022
"train derailments"

The results will help explain to you, me and Dupree why Warren Buffet was so focused on getting us away from unsafe dirty pipelines and using rolling stock to transport oil. He dumped a lot of money into politics to kill those pipelines and be the Green Movement champion.

;) ;)

Of course, it didn't hurt that he first purchased up a lot of rail stock...
Yeah, you're on to something there. The railroads are actually part of the green new Republicans shouldn't take their corporate donations and regulate the crap out of them. That will show those socialist progressive liberal woke railroad tycoons.
"train derailments"

The results will help explain to you, me and Dupree why Warren Buffet was so focused on getting us away from unsafe dirty pipelines and using rolling stock to transport oil. He dumped a lot of money into politics to kill those pipelines and be the Green Movement champion.

;) ;)

Of course, it didn't hurt that he first purchased up a lot of rail stock...
He also bought a railroad.
I'm wondering where Adrinal Glands is with her bullshit about the super rich getting all the financial breaks at the expense of the people.