Have you ever found a pussy to be too tight


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
seriously though, as if it just wouldn't give mo matter how much wetness she was leaking and wanting it, her pussy just being so damn tight you couldn't penetrate it with a titanium reinforced cock
No....since I am hung like a thimble. If a pussy was as big as a garage, I would have a hard time "Parkin the car" too.

I had a former GF like that.... it was her not her lover. A fruit fly could have climbed off of her and she'd pinch his dick off.

suprisingly she DIDN'T keep BF's for long. It didn't matter how many times she had sex or what plowed through her. SHe'd cinch back up to about 4 millimeters in size.

She is a pretty lady with a heart of gold, but I had to put a splint on my cock just to put it in.
a woman's perspective?

I do have times when I am way too tight... have no clue what causes it.
My husband and I find this quite difficult... because if he does manage to get in... then the tightness just makes him go over the edge way too fast.

Any women have this problem from time to time? what do you think casuses it...
Not too tight but I've come across a few that were too shallow.

Seems to be more of a problem among short girls . . .
Mine was abnormally small and had to be surgically corrected. It was still very tight afterwards and made sex extremely painful. It took quite a while for it to be "normal" and didn't really completely go away until after I had my first child.
Ladyhawke said:
Mine was abnormally small and had to be surgically corrected. It was still very tight afterwards and made sex extremely painful. It took quite a while for it to be "normal" and didn't really completely go away until after I had my first child.

I slept with a girl in the same position as you... execpt for the child part.
I had a girlfriend once, 6'3" and very athelic, whose pussy could put such a squeeze on my cock that I literally could not pull out without real effort. Not that she was small, she just had great muscle control.