Happy international wimmins day sistahs.


Gods rep on Earth.
Nov 10, 2003
peas, love, etc. :rose:

sistahs are doin it for them selves.
I'll just pull up a chair here off to one side and wait for the show to start.
I'll just pull up a chair here off to one side and wait for the show to start.

obviously the sistahs are busy. Which explains why women are paid less than males. This is based on the generally accepted stance that a womans work is never done.
I like peas too. Not whirled ones though, gross.

Although I'm pretty sure the point of today is to take a stand against violence against women. While that was a horrible sentence you got my drift.
I like peas too. Not whirled ones though, gross.

Although I'm pretty sure the point of today is to take a stand against violence against women. While that was a horrible sentence you got my drift.

Eh? violence?

i thought today was for us sistahs to mark our place in society, as equals, none males of the world unite (but not with the transsexuals or benders)

violence can have its uses....
I like peas too. Not whirled ones though, gross.

Although I'm pretty sure the point of today is to take a stand against violence against women. While that was a horrible sentence you got my drift.

oh by the fucking way! whirld peas are very important! just ask any south korean.. 'you wan whirled peas with you roast dog'? or just an icbm up the shitter?
oh by the fucking way! whirld peas are very important! just ask any south korean.. 'you wan whirled peas with you roast dog'? or just an icbm up the shitter?

I always say no thanks to the dog, that explains my lack of love for the whirled peas.
Eh? violence?

i thought today was for us sistahs to mark our place in society, as equals, none males of the world unite (but not with the transsexuals or benders)

violence can have its uses....

I like to violently pee on things to mark my territory. I think I'm doing it right.
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Still about the wine.

Not if you're hungry.

it was more about the evil of right wing politics. (the wine champagne or quality champaign)

it IS more about the evil of politics. As an educated person though, you seriously wouldnt grasp that point. ever been hungry? ever been in fear of your livelihood? ever had to let your children live in the cold... :confused:

don't bother to answer, it's only the internet.

Gawd loves 'merica....