Happy birthday michaelmt1

Thank You

Thanks all so Much :)

The great thing about turning 42 is that when some kids says wernt you 21 once. i can say once i was 21 twice and still counting.

Hugs and Kisses

Happy BDAY!

michaelmt1 said:
Thanks doll sink a steinie for me :)


Steinlarger??? Only a man 50% of his worth drinks that stuff, lol

Lion Red is the beer. :)
Happy Belated Birthday, Mike. =)

I figured a belated birthday was more geeky than a regular one, anwyay. *smiles*
Nora said:
Happy Belated Birthday, Mike. =)

I figured a belated birthday was more geeky than a regular one, anwyay. *smiles*

My geek Godess,

Thanks :) naturally you are right in your geekness.:rose:

Hugz and Kissies
