Hanns you little cocksucking coward


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
You want attention bitch? I got some attention for you. come play with me you little retard.
Re: Who Would Wanna Play With THAT Guy!?

RudeNastyAssBitch said:
Don't Acknowledge Him, It's Not Worth It.

He's just the little coward bitch I need today.
Well bitch?! isnt this what you live for? someone calling you out to play? bring your pig fucking ass in here. coward.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
You're gross & chubby

Im gross and chubby.
YAY, you can state the obvious. good for you.. heres a gold star.
Fucker, at least put some thought into your insults.
jesus your realy aren't worth it are you?

women just point and laugh at you when your naked don't they?
hmmm, Hanns points out that Aquila is short and fat. So what? What are you Hanns? 6'3 225lbs of blonde hair and blue eyes?

You're just another Keyboard Kommando.... oh I mean Sniper....
6'3 225lbs of blonde hair and blue eyes?

No, but I am:p
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