Halloween is the Coolest Night of the Year


Oct 9, 2001
I'm always amazed at the life on the streets after dark. It's the only night of the year you can knock on your neighbor's door and say hi, gimmie some candy, while you peak in and see what a fabulous view they have.

I love seeing the shiny happy faces of the kids as they run from house to house, squealing in delight.

Halloween rocks.
Rubyfruit said:
I'm always amazed at the life on the streets after dark. It's the only night of the year you can knock on your neighbor's door and say hi, gimmie some candy, while you peak in and see what a fabulous view they have.
I thought you were talking about the streets of Georgetown on all hollows eve

ahh...to be lost in the crowd of mayhem
We live in a densely kid-populated neighborhood. Our doorbell doesn't stop from dusk to dark on Halloween. I love it.
Nora, my neighborhood in CA was like that. I'd sit on the front porch with my sister in law or a friend with a glass of wine and just watch the action on the street and tell all the kids how cute they look. The little ones are the best.
I live in a gated community, on Halloween they close the gates at 5pm and only let residence into for the rest of the night. Then the kids can basically run wild. It's great, the whole community gets involved. At about 10pm there's a curfew for the kids, and an adult party is held at the club house.
I love Halloween- it is, after all, my birthday. I have a feeling it's not going to be so joyous this year for me though.
It's just not a good time in my life right now. I don't want to get into it here in the board though.
I love Halloween. In my neighborhood of conversative retirees and sweet cookie cutter families, my house looks like a den of tackiness. I love decorating for Halloween. I want to make the kids work for the treats. Muuuhahahhaahaaa~
Minkey Boodle said:
I happen to be a densely populated kid, can I have some candy?
Eve of All Saints:

My family goes to Holy Mass at 6 PM:.....

and also on All Saints Day
hehe! When I get sick of the doorbell we just sit on the front steps, Ruby. They really are adorable. I love the big eyes on the littlest kids when they check out our evil door hanger! lol

Here's more candy for the densely populated kid. (silly nutter that she is! *mwaaaaah* I haven't seen you in ages!)

Rubyfruit said:
I'm always amazed at the life on the streets after dark. It's the only night of the year you can knock on your neighbor's door and say hi, gimmie some candy, while you peak in and see what a fabulous view they have.

I love seeing the shiny happy faces of the kids as they run from house to house, squealing in delight.

Halloween rocks.

I love Midnight Mass on the Eve of Christmas.........

The best night of the year!!!
What an odd thread.

Several times during the year I ring the doorbell and beg for candy. My neighbors usually comply.

Before they call the police.

And Nora, that really isn't very nice of you to insult those dense kids that live in your community. Are you trying to cut back on the amount of chocolate you give out or sumpin? ;)

winking and a' wavin' at my gorgeous girls
Now 99, I thought the smarties might rub off on the dense kids, or at least act as a placebo to make them *think* they were getting smart. Keep 'em from playing in the street so often...
Please to excuse. STOP

Computer acting up tonight. STOP

Trying to communicate with you. STOP

Wish you were here. STOP

Running out of money for this doggone telegram. STOP

Hugs and kisses. Don't stop
the cutest trick-or-treater i ever saw was a little girl of about 4 dressed up like a fairy. she came to my door, i opened it, she took in a deeeeeeeep breath and then...

...ran down the stairs back to her mom. apperantly she had forgotten what she was supposed to say. after her mom reminded her she ran back up and managed a shy and breathless "trick or treat!"

it was so damn cute it almost hurt :)
Agent99 said:
Please to excuse. STOP

Computer acting up tonight. STOP

Trying to communicate with you. STOP

Wish you were here. STOP

Running out of money for this doggone telegram. STOP

Hugs and kisses. Don't stop

What's wrong with your computer?

Hrmm. lilminxymuffin and Amelia both share a birthday. I might actually have to break out my cake pans.