Guess Who's 49 Today

Happppppppppyyyyyyyy Birthdayyyyyyyyyy AM!!!!

... a very special thank you for :heart: :kiss: :rose: annie:heart: :kiss: :rose: with a birthdaysuit gift certifcate.

Thank you buttnips:D it is indeed a happy one.

Horny Hippie Girl said:
Joyeux Anniversaire, Mon Chéri!!!!!!

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

Merci beaucoup, ma cher, (and to give credence to the moronic and abysmal knowledge of french I have) Voulez vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?

Nous pouvons d'avoir un fete d'anniversaire avec trois.

Happy Birthday AM

I'm only 11 months behind you

It is a great time and a great age to be.

wishing you all the best

and isn't HHG lucky to have such a proposition en Francais;) from such a distinguished and beautiful couple.
hongluobo said:
Happy Birthday AM

I'm only 11 months behind you

It is a great time and a great age to be.

wishing you all the best

and isn't HHG lucky to have such a proposition en Francais;) from such a distinguished and beautiful couple.

Hong, at this age 11 months is nothing it'll fly by in a jiffy. If I had the neccessary mandarin language abilities I'd send you and gusty a proposition too.

Say hi to Gusty

anniebug's man said:
Merci beaucoup, ma cher, (and to give credence to the moronic and abysmal knowledge of french I have) Voulez vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?

Nous pouvons d'avoir un fete d'anniversaire avec trois.


Je suis chanceux en effet, et ce serait mon plaisir!!!;) ;)
Horny Hippie Girl said:
Je suis chanceux en effet, et ce serait mon plaisir!!!;) ;)


(searching through the grab bag of my school french)

Que ce'st que ce'que ca? Un grand radis rouge.

Je suis un grand radis rouge!

am:D :p
anniebug's man said:

(searching through the grab bag of my school french)

Que ce'st que ce'que ca? Un grand radis rouge.

Je suis un grand radis rouge!

am:D :p

LOL Assez ok francais! I don't really speak it well, either...;)
anniebugs day

49 ROSES I remember when ...sorry having a Senior moment.. what was I saying ..Oh HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! :kiss:
Re: anniebugs day

soupy said:
49 ROSES I remember when ...sorry having a Senior moment.. what was I saying ..Oh HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! :kiss:

Thank you Soupy, but it's annie's man's birthday.

I'll pass along your kisses.:D
Pass it on

Please pass it on.You will then have to give the :kiss: and while your at it might as well add:p 49hours worth:D :D wwnt back and looked at thread and saw MAN --- like I said a senior moment or is it the blonde thing I do so mouth insertfoot ..been one of those weeks.
Re: Pass it on

soupy said:
Please pass it on.You will then have to give the :kiss: and while your at it might as well add:p 49hours worth:D :D wwnt back and looked at thread and saw MAN --- like I said a senior moment or is it the blonde thing I do so mouth insertfoot ..been one of those weeks.

Oh no! A blonde senior moment?? Yikes!:p :p
Re: Re: Guess Who's 49 Today

Salacious said:
happy birthday sexy man!

hope you have a beautiful day ... err.. night!

I love your blue pearls. I could sleep between them for instance, or just lick them until tey are red, or just plain hang them on my wall for stimulation. They could raise the dead for sure.

Thanks for the wishes all it is time to retire from the computer and jump inot bed:D

am:heart: :kiss:
belated birthday wish

Annie Bug's Man:

Happy Birthday a few days late!!

Hope it was a good one.
