Good morning


Jun 8, 2000
The sun is chirping, and the birds are shining.

How's your morning shaping up?

I have errands to do in a bit, laundry, and some packing. I have a busy couple of days ahead of me. I'm spending tomorrow with some friends, then coming back here to pick up my stuff and spend the day with my sister, then going home Thursday. :D
So far so good.

No short-ones men buzzing about annoying me.

No errands to be run or chores that simply must be finished YESTERDAY.

All in all, this is beginning to be a splendid day.

BTW, Hi April...nice boobies.:D
Hi April!

It's Monday. That about says it all. I keep asking, if it's Friday yet.:D
I have tons of things to do, yet here I am on Lit, again..
I swear, this time I am really leaving. Off to get some expresso and run errands.

Enjoy your week.
Good morning hasn't been too bad, thanks
Well, good evening ladies. :) Busy day here. Lots of driving and some buying. Now I'm waiting for my mother to get hungry so I can go get food. I'm glad to see y'all's day was good. It's so good to feel the sun on your face and be able to get around.

SS, nice tits. :D