good girl, gone bad?


Literotica Guru
Jun 1, 2002
i was just at another message board where there's this thread about pics of christina aguilera in maxim magazine. some think she's comepletly hot and others think she just looks nasty. what do you guys think of christina aguilera's "hot" new image? here are some of the pics
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I didn't check the pics out, but I think she's looking pretty nasty these days.
Nasty nasty nasty..

She has looked nasty right from the start.
She has that skanky trashy look that is amazingly appealing to many guys. It's not the look that makes you want to have a long lasting relationship with her - but it is the look that makes many want to fuck the living hell out of her.

She looks sexually alive and fun. I'd let her into the bedroom with me and a man. I think she'd be fun to watch.

She's way hotter than Brittany Spears will ever be.
her career begins to tank, so she reinvents herself as an even bigger slut. she will be playing Vegas in 20 years....
I don't know anything about her image, but I really liked her performance as the battle-toughened sergeant in "Saving Private Ryan."
Or maybe I'm thinking of Tom Sizemore. They look so much alike.
Looking at her and then some of the other young ladies in show business today I see a trend to show more body in a sexy way than ever before. I think it started with Madonna but now, well quite a few of the 'hot girls' in rock are wearing lingere on stage as dress costume. I think that at some point their music suffers, since they seem to be puting sex over song. I will admit that they mostly have great bodies to show off though. Sure not hurtful to look at.
She is nasty! I actually liked her look when she first came onto the scene and her first album is one of my favorites, but she's looking like a "tramp-a-lina" or a "slutina" in the worse way. Britney looks waaay better!
Frankly those are some of the BETTER pictures of CA. Shes not ugly by any means, but shes no Agezinder.:rose:
Over the top sexuality. Screams of A&R intrusion.

She's not ugly. She's pretty but doesn't look good so heavily made up. She'd be good looking if she were just an around the way girl but the high class hooker look of hers isn't attractive at all.

Avril Lavigne is better looking anyway...cept for that big ass tie...that make me want to point at her and laugh....and call her Rufus...for reasons all my own...
It makes me sad to think that our children look up to her. With a voice like she's got, and a pretty face like she has, she doesn't NEED to show off that body in such a skanky way to get ahead in today's world. It saddens me that people like her and Britney preach the message that showing more and more skin will make you successful, especially when they KNOW that they are rolemodels for young girls.

With such blessings as talent and wealth, does come responsibility.
It makes me sad to think that our children look up to her. With a voice like she's got, and a pretty face like she has, she doesn't NEED to show off that body in such a skanky way to get ahead in today's world. It saddens me that people like her and Britney preach the message that showing more and more skin will make you successful, especially when they KNOW that they are rolemodels for young girls.

I agree with you! I always thought hay if you have the body for it go for it but she has gone too far. Now all these girls see her and think they need to live up to how she looks or dress like she is.
vixenshe said:

With such blessings as talent and wealth, does come responsibility.

You had an opportunity for a similar Spiderman quote. I say go for the Spidey one cause he's cool...
I was never really a fan of CA but I did think that Genie in a Bottle had a cute sound to it and would listen to it if it came on the radio. But now I don't know what has happened to her. She says that she is just being herself. So does that mean that she is a dirty whore who will screw anything that walks? Because that is the image that she is putting out. The Dirrty video was over the top sexual and she looked like someone you would pick up on the streets and pay to suck your dick. Then in her last video me and all my friends agreed that she just looked dirty. Like she lives on the street dirty and nasty. That is my opinion. Don't like her, turn her off when she is on tv or radio.:D
lavender said:
She has that skanky trashy look that is amazingly appealing to many guys. It's not the look that makes you want to have a long lasting relationship with her - but it is the look that makes many want to fuck the living hell out of her.

She looks sexually alive and fun. I'd let her into the bedroom with me and a man. I think she'd be fun to watch.

She's way hotter than Brittany Spears will ever be.

EXACTLY!!!! could not have said it better myself, complete with the brittany reference! i'd introduce her to my dad when he visited as a "very close friend" but would never take her home to meet mom....
What happened to stature and class. Call me old fashioned but there are 'women' and 'WOMEN'. Whilst pleasing in a shallow visual way she is not walking down the aisle material. Unless of course she is willing to open a joint bank account with yours truly ;). If you are reading this Christine I was talking about some one else....erm.
my opinion of christina augulera is she changes too much, not sure why but ill see her and think shes cute, see her again and she looks ugly, than again cute then ugly, reminds me of that episode of seinfeld where that girl jerry was dating would look sexy in certain light and horrible in other light