"God" Doesn’t Miss: The Target At The Trump Rally Was Hit.


Literotica Guru
May 14, 2020

This is in response (a counter narrative) to all the "God" fearing MAGAts who claim that Trump barely avoiding death by turning his head at the exact moment the shooter fired (a lie by the way) PROVES "something" about divine intervention in support of Trump:

"God" (karma, in my book) doesn’t miss: The INTENDED (and DESERVING) target was the FANATICAL Trump SUPPORTER who WORSHIPPED Trump and led his family down that same blasphemous (morally conflicted) path.

The ACTUAL victim of the Trump rally shooting was a "devout" Christian who violated the number one commandment, or, in my book, offended karma by being so morally conflicted.


Side note:

If Trump HAD been hit in the head where the "experts" claim the bullet would have struck, (sans a Trump "Matrix level bullet-time dodge") then Trump would have almost certainly died instantly and painlessly - "God" (karma, in my book) has ZERO intention of letting Trump die instantly and painlessly.

"Giod" (karma, in my book) DOES have plans for Trump AND his morally conflicted supporters who continue to WORSHIP him - and it won’t be pretty / pleasant.

"God" (karma, in my book) WAS SUCCESSFUL in sending a message to those intellectually and morally capable of interpreting it with the SUCCESSFUL targeting of the INTENDED victim at the Trump rally.

Let’s see who got the message and "repents" (changes).

"God" (karma) using an AR style weapon was a nice touch.

Let’s see if the MAGAts get the message from that little flourish.


This is in response (a counter narrative) to all the "God" fearing MAGAts who claim that Trump barely avoiding death by turning his head at the exact moment the shooter fired (a lie by the way) PROVES "something" about divine intervention in support of Trump:

"God" (karma, in my book) doesn’t miss: The INTENDED (and DESERVING) target was the FANATICAL Trump SUPPORTER who WORSHIPPED Trump and led his family down that same blasphemous (morally conflicted) path.

The ACTUAL victim of the Trump rally shooting was a "devout" Christian who violated the number one commandment, or, in my book, offended karma by being so morally conflicted.


Side note:

If Trump HAD been hit in the head where the "experts" claim the bullet would have struck, (sans a Trump "Matrix level bullet-time dodge") then Trump would have almost certainly died instantly and painlessly - "God" (karma, in my book) has ZERO intention of letting Trump die instantly and painlessly.

"Giod" (karma, in my book) DOES have plans for Trump AND his morally conflicted supporters who continue to WORSHIP him - and it won’t be pretty / pleasant.

"God" (karma, in my book) WAS SUCCESSFUL in sending a message to those intellectually and morally capable of interpreting it with the SUCCESSFUL targeting of the INTENDED victim at the Trump rally.

Let’s see who got the message and "repents" (changes).


“The intended and deserving target was the fanatical Trump supporter……”

……..said absolutely nobody but you.

Mad as a fucking hatter.
“The intended and deserving target was the fanatical Trump supporter……”

……..said absolutely nobody but you.

Mad as a fucking hatter.


The OP is in response (a counter narrative) to the MAGAts’ “Trump is protected by God” bullshit narrative.

(That ^ was specified in the OP)

I’m PURPOSEFULLY taking the same liberties with speculation about "God’s will / intentions" that the MAGAts have done.

Please try to keep up.




This is in response (a counter narrative) to all the "God" fearing MAGAts who claim that Trump barely avoiding death by turning his head at the exact moment the shooter fired (a lie by the way) PROVES "something" about divine intervention in support of Trump:

"God" (karma, in my book) doesn’t miss: The INTENDED (and DESERVING) target was the FANATICAL Trump SUPPORTER who WORSHIPPED Trump and led his family down that same blasphemous (morally conflicted) path.

The ACTUAL victim of the Trump rally shooting was a "devout" Christian who violated the number one commandment, or, in my book, offended karma by being so morally conflicted.


Side note:

If Trump HAD been hit in the head where the "experts" claim the bullet would have struck, (sans a Trump "Matrix level bullet-time dodge") then Trump would have almost certainly died instantly and painlessly - "God" (karma, in my book) has ZERO intention of letting Trump die instantly and painlessly.

"Giod" (karma, in my book) DOES have plans for Trump AND his morally conflicted supporters who continue to WORSHIP him - and it won’t be pretty / pleasant.

"God" (karma, in my book) WAS SUCCESSFUL in sending a message to those intellectually and morally capable of interpreting it with the SUCCESSFUL targeting of the INTENDED victim at the Trump rally.

Let’s see who got the message and "repents" (changes).

You have a bright future as a spokesperson for Democratic Party.
Nobody wants to keep up with you, not considering where you’re headed, you crank.
You have a bright future as a spokesperson for Democratic Party.


BabyBoobs can expect a similar outcome (end) as "God’s" (karma’s) ACTUAL target at the Trump rally
- and for similar reasons.



👉 BabyBoobs 🤣

No, it’s not fine.

That doesn’t equate to a situation where your insane “counter narrative” is the remedy.
No, it’s not fine.

That doesn’t equate to a situation where your insane “counter narrative” is the remedy.


It wasn’t a "remedy".


It was a response / rebuttal intended to illustrate how twisted the MAGAts’ bullshit narrative is - and I believe my response / rebuttal is more convincing.



This is in response (a counter narrative) to all the "God" fearing MAGAts who claim that Trump barely avoiding death by turning his head at the exact moment the shooter fired (a lie by the way) PROVES "something" about divine intervention in support of Trump:

"God" (karma, in my book) doesn’t miss: The INTENDED (and DESERVING) target was the FANATICAL Trump SUPPORTER who WORSHIPPED Trump and led his family down that same blasphemous (morally conflicted) path.

The ACTUAL victim of the Trump rally shooting was a "devout" Christian who violated the number one commandment, or, in my book, offended karma by being so morally conflicted.


Side note:

If Trump HAD been hit in the head where the "experts" claim the bullet would have struck, (sans a Trump "Matrix level bullet-time dodge") then Trump would have almost certainly died instantly and painlessly - "God" (karma, in my book) has ZERO intention of letting Trump die instantly and painlessly.

"Giod" (karma, in my book) DOES have plans for Trump AND his morally conflicted supporters who continue to WORSHIP him - and it won’t be pretty / pleasant.

"God" (karma, in my book) WAS SUCCESSFUL in sending a message to those intellectually and morally capable of interpreting it with the SUCCESSFUL targeting of the INTENDED victim at the Trump rally.

Let’s see who got the message and "repents" (changes).

God fearing MAGA's? Really REALLY? We will see who will be fearing God real quick! And its gonna be funny as fuck watching you child molesting commies go down! You bastards dont have a chance in hell to win the WHITE HOUSE! Actually the Whitehouse isnt going to be the whitehouse much longer either! Lmao! That place is going to be leveled as is DC! Returned to the swamp that it is! So take commie joe out and put the already long dead VP in there, Put BIG Mike the fudge packer in there, put whoever the fuck you want in there, it makes ZERO difference! Trump is here to stay and there aint a fucking thing any of you leftist communists can do about it! Infact after its annouced hes your next POTUS, I dare , hell I double dare ANY of you pieces of shit to try ANYTHING with DJTs Military! From here on out its only gonna get worse and worse for you commies! Bad news after bad news after bad news. LMAO!Like Trump says, "I promise you , you are gonna LOVE the way this ends!"Paybacks are a bitch! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! WWG1WGA. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Take a good loooooong look at what we’re up against.

And you dont have a fucking prayer! Actually prayer wont even help you! Its over for you commies! From here on out ..its just a pleasure to watch! And here you dumb son of a bitches thought youd have him locked up at the very least by now! Nice try, you fools! Lmao! LMAO GOOD FUCKING LUCK TO YA! When you all find out the Truth, your heads are literally going to explode! And there aint one damn thing any or all of you can do! And then to top it off, Old Joe never canceled out ANY of Trumps executive orders! Lmao all verifiable on the government website! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 By the way, when is the DNC? It should be a laugh and a half to watch! is there even gonna be a DNC? Lmao

Take a reeeeeeaaally good look at what we’re up against.

take a reallllly good look because once this is over and the shit that comes out about you communist leftists, YOU WILL NEVER EVER WIN ANOTHER ELECTION WITH THIS PARTY OF CHILD MOLESTING, TREASONOUS COWARDS! Thats a PROMISE! Better try to stop the word getting out because when it does, its not gonna be good! Not egonna be good at all! And there will be zero forgiveness! GOOD FUCKING LUCK! NOTHING. CAN STOP WHATS COMING! wWG1WGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
This thread is proof positive that Q-anon whackadooodles are nuttier than a squirrel turd.
Says the commie who has NO clue who or what Qanon even is! Good call genius! Way to use that thinking cap! NOTHING CAN STOP WHATS COMING! WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
HMFIC of ANTIFA! :cool: More like it!


If someone like me ever DOES go full “ANTIFA”, then the entire country (world?) is fucked - and that includes ineedhelp1 - because that would mean that some existentially intolerable event had occurred in America.


👉 ineedhelp1 🤣


This is in response (a counter narrative) to all the "God" fearing MAGAts who claim that Trump barely avoiding death by turning his head at the exact moment the shooter fired (a lie by the way) PROVES "something" about divine intervention in support of Trump:

Do you got a link to all these "God" fearing MAGAts [sic] and their claims?

I really don't read much on the internet along those lines, so I need the assistance of someone such as yourself who is devoted to the whistle-blowing of gadflyism...

Or is this just another one of those vacuous memes that travel through your mind unimpeded by reality?
So what're the odds that that Trump's ear maxipad doesn't come off for weeks.

This is in response (a counter narrative) to all the "God" fearing MAGAts who claim that Trump barely avoiding death by turning his head at the exact moment the shooter fired (a lie by the way) PROVES "something" about divine intervention in support of Trump:

"God" (karma, in my book) doesn’t miss: The INTENDED (and DESERVING) target was the FANATICAL Trump SUPPORTER who WORSHIPPED Trump and led his family down that same blasphemous (morally conflicted) path.

The ACTUAL victim of the Trump rally shooting was a "devout" Christian who violated the number one commandment, or, in my book, offended karma by being so morally conflicted.


Side note:

If Trump HAD been hit in the head where the "experts" claim the bullet would have struck, (sans a Trump "Matrix level bullet-time dodge") then Trump would have almost certainly died instantly and painlessly - "God" (karma, in my book) has ZERO intention of letting Trump die instantly and painlessly.

"Giod" (karma, in my book) DOES have plans for Trump AND his morally conflicted supporters who continue to WORSHIP him - and it won’t be pretty / pleasant.

"God" (karma, in my book) WAS SUCCESSFUL in sending a message to those intellectually and morally capable of interpreting it with the SUCCESSFUL targeting of the INTENDED victim at the Trump rally.

Let’s see who got the message and "repents" (changes).

