The Sunday Chicago Tribune has bios on them all...
Lets start with a few and I shall add some more later on tomarrow:
And someone wants to nominate that old bastard for Nobel Peace Prize for getting these pieces of shit off the hook?!
Lets start with a few and I shall add some more later on tomarrow:
Edward Spreitzer 1986
Kidnapped, murdered and mutilated Linda Sutton, 26, near Villa Park in 1981. Sutton was one of 17 women police believe was sexually assaulted and killed by Spreitzer and his friends.
Latasha Pullman 1994
Strangled 6-year-old neighbor, Shenosha Richards in 1991 after luring her to her Chicago apartment, where she and her male roomate raped the girl.
Neils Nielsen 1996
Shot former wife, Sue Marshel Gelisinger, and her daughter, Melinda 13, in 1995. The Wayne City man dismembered the bodies and burned the remains on a trash pile.
Jacquiline A. Williams 1998
Shot a pregnant woman in her Addison home in 1995, cut the baby from her womb and stabbed her two children. Her accomplice, Fedell Caffey, alos on death row.
John Childress 1991
Stabbed Sara Cardona, 30, while sexually assaulting her in front of her 6-year old son at the victim's apartment on the West Side in 1989.
Demetrius Henderson 1987
Sexually assaulted, stabbed and drove over Kimberely Boyd, 15, after a South Side party in 1986.
Anton Brown 2000
Stabbed his girlfriend and drowned her two young children in 1990 in the Chicago Housing Authority's Stateway Gardens apartments after an argument over his drug use.
Lorenzo Fayne 2001
Stabbed or strangled four girls, ages 9 to 17, between 1992 and 1993 in the St. Louis area. He sexually assaulted one victim and molested the body of another.
James Foster 1985
Beat his girlfriend, Jacqueline Simmons of Aurora, to death in 1985 because he believed she was seeing other men.
Maurice King 2000
Carpentersville man who stabbed his neighbor, Lola Gooch, 43, and her 4-year old daughter, Alisha, in 1998.
Ronald Kitchen 1990
With another man, killed two women and thier three children in a Southwest Side apartment in 1988 over drug debt. The home was set on fire after the murders.
Paris Sims 1987
Sexually assaulted and stabbed JoAna Bollinger in front of her husband during a robbery at her Belleville home in 1994.
Ernest Jamison 1996
Carjacked and shot Susan Gilmore, a teacher from Rockford, who was his last victim in a three-state killing spree in 1995.
Robert Cloutier 1995
Sexually assaulted and strangled a South Side baretender, Alice Cougler, 29, in 1990 after she offered him a ride home from the bar where she worked.
Jeffrey Rissley 1992
Michigan man convicted in the 1992 abduction and murder of 6-year-old Kahla Lansing in Downstate Spring Valley.
Santana Moss 1999
Ordered his family to stab Diandar Jones, 11, whom he allegedly raped, and her mother, Emma Jones, 30, in the CHA Robert Taylor Homes in 1991.
Keith Shum 1984
Shot Gwendolyn Whipple, 21, who was nine months pregnant, after breaking into her South Side apartment and raping her in 1982.
And someone wants to nominate that old bastard for Nobel Peace Prize for getting these pieces of shit off the hook?!