Free the Port St. Lucie Two!


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
This is a "REDWAVE Lite" thread for the holidays. OK, I think this is really funny--

Two third graders were just arrested in Port St. Lucie in Florida for bringing marijuana to school. For that, they face felony charges and have been recommended for expulsion. One had 12 bags, the other had 3. The one with 12 bags admitted he intended to sell bags to other little kiddies. The 15 bags contained-- get this-- a total of 16 grams of marijuana. That averages out to about a gram a bag. A gram of marijuana is not much at all! For my roommate, it's about one toke-- if that!

A friend of mine who's a teacher tells me the teenage kids in the local schools are pretty much all stoners. I realize 9 years is a little young-- but hey, they're precocious! The one boy, who planned to sell the bags, should be applauded as an aspiring young entrepreneur. He was just tryin' to make a buck, by giving people what they want.

I'm sorry, but I think this whole thing is a little bit ridiculous. I think felony charges, and likely expulsion from school, is just a teensy weensy bit harsh, especially considering we're talking about nine year old boys. I'm not saying they shouldn't receive any punishment at all, but nothing like that.

What do you think?
This is a "REDWAVE Lite" thread for the holidays. OK, I think this is really funny--

The one boy, who planned to sell the bags, should be applauded as an aspiring young entrepreneur. He was just tryin' to make a buck, by giving people what they want.

I'm sorry, but I think this whole thing is a little bit ridiculous. I think felony charges, and likely expulsion from school, is just a teensy weensy bit harsh, especially considering we're talking about nine year old boys. I'm not saying they shouldn't receive any punishment at all, but nothing like that.

What do you think?

Yeah, selling illegal drugs on school grounds to minors should be, like, a dentention at most :rolleyes:

That's right, detention, and they should both have to write "I will not bring baggies of pot to school to sell" one hundred times.
Just another example of RED's distorted morality.

Their punishment should depend on how willing they are to tell authorities who gave them the pot to sell. They obviously didn't grow it themselves, and whoever would screw up the lives of 3rd graders should be put away for a long time.
having a drug background, on one front yes I can agree that for an adult a gram one joint of weed is not very much. And depending on the quality isn't even enough to get a buzz started.

But alas, we are not talking adults here we are talking third graders 9 year olds whose brains by rights should be in very formative years and a gram/joint of weed is enough to do serious damage even if only taken twice a month {yes I have seen the results in person and it isn't pretty to see a ten year old who because of pot can't even use the bathroom or enough to at least go to the bathroom instead of in thier own pants like nothing is happening.

That being said I agree with Texan punishment is warrented, severeity depending on how willing they are to tturn in who they got it from, as he said they didn't grow it themselves.

minimal punishment a year of juvinel school and weekly pyschotherapy to try and evaluate and repair what damage can be repaired mentally. likely though it will be to late. Expulsion is most definately wqarrented.

Yeah, that's the ticket. Reward them for being snitches, but punish them severely for having baggies containing a common herb on them! That's teaching them true American values, all right!
Re: Snitch

Yeah, that's the ticket. Reward them for being snitches, but punish them severely for having baggies containing a common herb on them! That's teaching them true American values, all right!

You really don't get it, do you?

This thread explains a lot.
Lets step away from the whole "its just pot" thing.

Black and white easy answer

Action. Law was broken
Reaction. Punishment ensues.

its all fairly simple. the world doesn't work on the whole fairy wanta be idea that only certain things are REALLY bad, and only the REALLY REALLY bad under SPECIAL circumstances should be punished.

1 year to 100 the law applies. (and it has provisions for minors)

me personally Id like to see the parents stand trial right along with children until children reach the age of majority. (18 here in the U.S.)
Hot damn!

Damn, I'm really proud of myself now. I can stir the shit even when I'm just goofing off!

All right, you guys, you've convinced me a harsher punishment is warranted. They should have to write "I will not bring baggies of pot to school to sell" 200 times!

That'll teach the little buggers!
Must be affluent . . .

What I want to know is how third graders had the money to buy weed. The other kid bought his 3 bags from the first kid. I don't know if they were nickel or dime bags, but he spent at least $15, I figure.

I didn't carry that much money around on me in 3rd grade-- did you?