Forced public nudity ideas


Really Experienced
Dec 20, 2012
Forced public nudity idea, or two.
1) The night after Lady Godiva makes her naked ride through the city, the vikings capture the city. The Viking spy, who opened the gates, tells the Jarl about the noble lady's adventure and reasons behind it. Vikings find it hilarious, and promise to spare citizens of death, only robbing them clean, and taking all women's clothes (burning what they couldn't take). But the Lady Godiva (and her husband) get an offer - vassalage to the viking jarl, and the lady would live 6 days a week naked, but now she would see her people regularly and won't try to shy or hide away. For that, the yarl guarantees protection from other raiders.
With the city guard's arms taken away, its defenses weakened, the king Leofric has to accept the offer (looking at the legend, he wasn't at most cordial agreement with his wife).
And thus the lady has to walk to the people, wearing nothing but smile, and explain some changes they would see around.
1.2) First one of the other noblewomen decides to show her support to the lady Godiva, and strips and goes out with her, then, seeing that the good lady is taking care of the people, more and more women shed their clothes in support. Men, bewildered at first, see that their wives and daughters are not whoring themselves, and the vikings (amused to no end), keep their part of the deal, so the men decide they go along, show respect and not stop the women.
1.3) Some time later, the viking king, having heard of the story, wants to see the lady, and summons the jarl, Leofric and Godiva to his court, and the jarl insists she does the trip in the same famous attire. A few other noblemen, and noblewomen follow her. The Viking king enjoys the sight to no end, and makes them write down as a law that any woman is free to appear naked anywhere (and trying to piss off the christian church), in the churches too, and while the peasants might, the noble women must do it at least once a week.
1.4) Some more time later, life goes on, news spreads out, vikings keep raiding England except that one kingdom, and one day vikings raid a nunnery (convent?) not far from the kingdom border. Nuns decide to trick those, claiming to be part of the kingdom, but vikings call them bluff for a simple reason: they have often seen women of the kingdom following the new tradition, but have heard nothing about these nuns, and peasants in nearby villages have neither. The Prioress talks herself into further trap, and finds that she and all nuns have to prove it the hard way: take a trip to viking lands and spend at least a year spreading the word of 'their god Jesus', naked.
with greatest embarrassment, they do (the viking yarl giving oath to hunt each of them who won't, and sell on slave markets as far away as he could), they travel across viking lands... finding that bemused locals let them be, and even try to listen to their preaching. Year after, returning to the monastery and finding they had greater success than anyone, the prioress decides to keep the line she was forced to add to the monastery code: "The nuns of () monastery give vows of nudity and preaching in distant lands". Some nuns leave, to places they believe safe, but some stay and keep to the vows, to great success.

2). In some (fantasy) medieval setting, it is either a group of mysterious merchants from no one knows where, who sell most exotic stuff (or common stuff, but in real quantities), but they take only one price: a person should wear their artifact (some small necklace, or earring, or similar small item), and nothing else, except of probably shoes or hat for a certain time. And go nude about their daily business, as if nothing happens.
2.2) A mighty wizard builds an inaccessible tower, but with people besieging him with their pleas for mundane stuff, he gives up. He would only hear pleas from women, who spend a week in the nude, going on their business as usual. But for merchants or nobility, they have to actually do their management duties, and not idle. But that's only for hearing pleas. For doing something, he charges a price.
2.3) any of the above, but with free touching, or lightly humiliating ordeals added. (I'm not saying "free use", since 99.99% of time it turns into shitty mass rape one-guy-having-all-fun bullshit, but...)
2.4) a noble woman (I'd like her to be middle-aged, 36-40 to have plausible Lit-legal childred, male), widowed, and holding a landed title, learns that because of her unyelding position to some lower nobles/merchans selfish demands (which she believes to be dangerously degenerate), someone hired an assassin guild to kill her. But there's a catch - the guild assassins are rather nitty-picky guys, and never ever touch priests/priestesses or devoted followers of "god of love name". Since she can't hold a land title and be a priestess, she can only pretend to be a die-hard follower of the god, but then she learns about a catch. The assassin guild considers only those to be devoted enough, who follow the god's testaments to the letter and every day, and among those are words of public nudity and "being friendly with people around you". Now, get killed, or get naked, and smile when your guards or peasants in the street grope you. Or answer the call, when the priests draw your name in the temple - for the god's calling for sex-ed classes for people.
Meanwhile, the nitty-picky assassins guild will watch that no one else touches their target - they got paid for it, and would do the job - if or when they find that the target is not devoted enough. There was a line in the god's saying about 10 years of devoted lifestyle to become exalted in the eyes of the god...
Meanwhile, she has to explain to her son(s)/daughter(s), the guard captain and his troops, the city council, the people of the city, has to see trials and do other noble duties, take part in peasant fests, see the envoys of the king and overseas merchants, meet annoyed/amused nobles, see to potential marriage to herself and her children... That's a busy life, although her maids have less to complain about, with their lady wearing... not too much these days. (I see it as not 24/7 nudity, but rather "very revealing outfits", partial nudity, and at 2-3 days a week when she's off any religious duties.
At some point she should discover that she is both embarrassed and extremely excited with her new life, and those many excuses to having sex make her sex life a lot more satisfying. And using 'bedroom diplomacy' helps solving issues too. And love god's blessings are worth it too, her skin becoming that of an 18 years old...
Just what's with the smug face of the love god's priest? The old fart must be enjoying humiliating her.
What if someone joins her? Her daughter? A lesbian heiress of wealthy merchant family? A delegations of priestesses from a far-away temple?

Sorry for typos, I'm not sure I caught all of them.
It's an interesting concept. I love history myself, and Vikings are one of my favorite concepts. The legend of Lady Godiva, along with the Peeping Tom, is classic.