For those that missed the Facebook link of the year!

strange. verwwwwwwwy strange

but the comments had me laughing, especially the lady running off crying thinking 'penis in dishwasher'. i get the ocd-ness but surely a wet wipe if he can't wait, or shower in the morning/afterwards. hmmn. ah well, each to their own.

to be fair, i opened this thinking it might be about implausibly-shaped doughnuts
strange. verwwwwwwwy strange

but the comments had me laughing, especially the lady running off crying thinking 'penis in dishwasher'. i get the ocd-ness but surely a wet wipe if he can't wait, or shower in the morning/afterwards. hmmn. ah well, each to their own.

to be fair, i opened this thinking it might be about implausibly-shaped doughnuts

Lolol at doughnuts!
I kept worrying about someone needing a drink in the night and in the dark ..........