For migraine and chronic headache sufferers.

Hah..."even psychotherapies aren't effective"

There are so many different types of headaches and I'd love to see the data on it.

I'd be right in line to get stuff implanted in my brain.
I've had a string of migraines lately, first one in several years. Two days last week, I was toast, and the day after, I was like I had been pulled sideways through a keyhole.

There's nothing like a migraine, and if you've never had one and say, "I know your pain," you lie.

Still, I look askance at this "treatment".
Topamax has helped me. It's not a miracle cure but I can function now.
the last migraines i had were largely painless. i just had massive blindspots in my vision. honestly, it was almost worse without the pain 'cause going half blind for a few hours out of nowhere is kinda disturbing for some reason.
I've had a string of migraines lately, first one in several years. Two days last week, I was toast, and the day after, I was like I had been pulled sideways through a keyhole.

There's nothing like a migraine, and if you've never had one and say, "I know your pain," you lie.

Still, I look askance at this "treatment".

They're not always that bad, they come in varying degrees of pain, and I do get them too.
I think Brian Boyle (6'7") has one hell of a headache this evening courtesy of Zedino Chara (6'9")...BTW: An awesome game surrounded the fight.
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I've had a migraine all day. I get a minimum of 6-10 per month. I took a rescue med. at 7pm and finally was able to eat and be anywhere but a dark room.
just smoke some weed, that'll do you some justice.

I wish I could but I'm a chicken weasel when it comes down to breaking
the law. I'd probably hand myself to the police and admit my guilt. lol

For the most part I get some warning if one is coming on. My vision becomes all
weird and it's roughly 20 mins till the pain comes.

The worst ones for me are the ones where there is pain and my speech and thinking is affected.

What really annoys me is my migraine meds being in a little peel and pop the blister pack thing. If my migraine is a bad one I find
it hard to open them and have to rely on someone else to do it.

Over the years I have learnt what most of my triggers are so that is something

When my children were little getting migraines was a huge pia
because you can't just wander off and go to the bat cave.
I have chronic and daily headaches. They aren't migraines, but tension and cluster headaches. I'd consider this.
After 2 brain tumor removals I have headaches almost daily, some debilitating, but I don't think I'd ever go the route of having something surgically implanted that I had to trigger to help with them. It very well may work, but I'm chicken!!

It is interesting though.
I get migraines.
But no matter how much pain I get, how much I throw up, how much my vision is affected, and how many days I have to live in darkness, I really don't think I would consider implanting something into my head as a fix :eek:
Before I figured out most of my triggers and getting good medication I would have considered sticking a spork in my brain if it helped a little. :D

Seriously when I had small children and was not able to go to the cave of darkness and silence (where even have a cry was a big screaming no no) I would have considered this to have some semblance of normality.

No matter how good your small children are it is hard for them to be quiet
when Mum has another migraine and is nursing a chunder cup and a newborn.
I kept calm and carried on but they grow so fast and you can't get that time back.

For them I sucked it up and put a smile on my dial. Inside I was silently doing this: