First White House Benghazi Photo...

Aaaand Vetteman wallows in the slime beneath the bottom of the barrel.

I don't suppose he'd aim his razor-keen wit at the Republicans who cut funding for security? No, I didn't think so.
IslandMound...pull up your panties.

As a former Marine, you should have more respect for a man who gave his life in service of his country.

You ought to be ashamed. Those around you should be ashamed for you.
Vagman's obsession with Obama slips into eighth gear, more than he has in his plastic car.

As a former Marine, you should have more respect for a man who gave his life in service of his country.

You ought to be ashamed. Those around you should be ashamed for you.

Vettebigot has a history of delighting in dead Americans when it can be laid at the door of the black bloke in the White House. The umpteen thousands of dead Americans due to the previous incumbent are a mere bagatelle.
J. Christopher Stevens was a half-Cherokee Berkeley graduate and Peace Corps volunteer. If he hadn't died, vetteman wouldn't have two kind words for him.
As a former Marine, you should have more respect for a man who gave his life in service of his country.

You ought to be ashamed. Those around you should be ashamed for you.
He does't know the true meaning of the word.
IslandMound has no sense of humor.:D
You are pure trash.
J. Christopher Stevens was a half-Cherokee Berkeley graduate and Peace Corps volunteer. If he hadn't died, vetteman wouldn't have two kind words for him.

Indeed. He'd just make a nasty joke about it, and Koala and BB would be right in there kissing his ass for it.
Vettebirther 's ex wives and Marine pals would not approve of this thread. That's because they have honor and left him behind.
Aaaand Vetteman wallows in the slime beneath the bottom of the barrel.

I don't suppose he'd aim his razor-keen wit at the Republicans who cut funding for security? No, I didn't think so.

As The state department and others have said... That wasnt a factor. Besides if it was a problem then simply bring them home. If it was obama's or clintons family there... I can guarantee there would have been extreme security, armed guards, and would have sent tropps in to protect them
Even if we allow for the argument of funding as a "reason" for denying the additional security that was requested (which has NOT been stated), it still doesn't make up for the fact that assistance DURING THE ATTACKS was withheld.

Sorry, but our current administration is incompetent.

But you who support it won't recognize the truth. Here. Have another glass of Koolaid. :rolleyes: