Finding out Mom and Dad are sex slaves


Just a Guy
Mar 26, 2022
So the last 24 hours have totally disrupted Danny's grasp on reality. They have learned that their "uncle" Dave, who has lived with his family their whole life, isn't actually their uncle. He is in actuality his parents "owner". Yes "owner", because their parents it turns out are submissive sex slaves. And apparently, have been the entire 20 years of Danny's life, longer in fact.

Now Danny is questioning everything about their life. His boring parents aren't so boring anymore. And how can his funny, goofy "uncle" actually be a dominant master? Nothing makes sense anymore.
Until of course the day after Danny's 21'st birthday. His 'uncle' takes Danny out to do 'some shopping' - with a stop for a quiet conversation. Danny is given three choices - since he knows what's going on.

Choice one. Move out - his 'uncle' has connections, will get him a decent job allowing Danny to get an apartment etc. Next. Stay - and become his 'uncles' apprentice. Or finally stay - and join his parents as his 'uncles' newest sex slave. Danny will have 24 hours to decide - but will have to sign a NDA in regards the entire affair. In fact the 'uncles' attorney is their next stop. In any event in compensation for signing the NDA Danny becomes heir to both his parents and his 'uncles' estates - which will turn out to be considerably large.

But after the slightly unpleasant business of signing the NDA the 'uncle' will be taking Danny to a very exclusive BDSM shop. Where Danny can get a better idea of what the lifestyle entails. What will Danny decide? I guess the story could have several different endings? And of course the churning inside of Danny's mind of which path to take. Is Danny disgusted with the choice his parents made - leave them to their own devices? Does Danny secretly have the hots for his mom? Or has Danny secretly dreamt of being submissive to a powerful person?