Favorite Child vs. Family Embarrassment


Really Experienced
Aug 10, 2002
My parents will deny this, but growing up, I was not their favorite child. In my home, it was always my older sister taking all the glory, getting all the praise. Maybe you can relate. Still, unless your folks were satanists or something, few parents would actually confess to liking one of their children more than another (no offence to the satatnists in the room).

So where am I going with this?

As authors, we give birth to new children everyday. Stories, yes, they are our offspring, but what I am talking about are the characters we craft to inhabit our tales, articulate our dialog, live and breath our plots. With each new sitting at our word processors we endure the mental pains of labor (without benefit of anesthesia, short of a nice cocktail that is) and deliver newborn characters, sometimes in multiple numbers, into our 8 ½ x 11 worlds. We feed them, diaper them and teach them to walk before setting them free to live out our imaginations on paper.

Some live up to our lofty expectations, leaving us satisfied and proud (much like my sister made my parents), some let us down and embarrass us (why couldn’t my folks just love me for who I was?), regardless, they are still our babies.

So, of all your “children”, who is your favorite and why?

Who is your least favorite? Why did that one let you down?

I thought this would make a fun thread. I am still contemplating my answer (as my folks would say, “He is never ready for anything!!!”) and will get back to you kind folks with my own reply!!!!

I love this question!

Hmmm...I do love Katherine from Wesley's Woman, although I think she needs to mature a little more and stop wanting to have everything. She also needs to realize that she loves Wesley and wants to be with him, which she hasn't as of the end of the story.

I think that my protagonist in "my sexy career" got away from me and got a little wilder than I had planned.
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jon.hayworth said:

Shameless plug I know but a writer needs readers.

By all means, PLEASE include links to these stories in your posts. Afterall, if we didn't want anyone to read our stuff, we would never submit it, would we!!

That is one of the reasons I enjoy threads like this one so much. I am a lazy reader. Rather than spending hours searching the vast library here at Lite for something worth reading, why not have the authors bring their best stuff right to my front door.

As a matter of fact, I am off to read Wesley's Woman and The Car right now!!!!!!
karmadog said:
The one I'm making. Always the one I'm making.

This is true for me also.

I have only once used a "recurring" character - Orchid. I don't write stories for her though, she comes out when I've written something right for her.

deliciously_naughty said:
I love this question!

So do I DN. I am surprised at the lack of response it has recieved.

Anyone else care to comment on thier favorite characters?