Eureka! I have discovered it


Literotica Guru
Oct 10, 2001
I believe that I have finally found a way to explain to women how it feels when I have to deal with their stupidity.

Alright, dig this...

Women...think about how it would make you feel and how it would effect you if you were to have a perpetual yeast infection.

I mean A REALLY FLAMING yeast infection.

Chew on that for a while.
Mull that over.

Hey Hanns man...I think you will agree with this.
Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
Yeast infections don't go down on you.

What the fuck does this mean?

Or is this one of those "I feel sorry for you" posts?

Yeah...I feel sorry for me too...
weed problems....sad shit.
Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
It means yeast infections don't give blow jobs

very nice... did it take you all night to think that one up?

you have 12 hours to come up with another witty retort..
hurry..not much time!
seXieleXie said:
affect, not effect. affect is the verb, effect is the noun.

He has enough trouble coping with the fact that there are two sexes without telling him there are two different words -effect/affect.:D