Epilogue, Election 2012 Amicus Descends on Literotica

Byron In Exile

Frederick Fucking Chopin
May 3, 2002
Duo pedites legionis Caesaris fossam fodiebant. Dixit unus altero, "Nonne vides centurionem stantem super aggerem castrorem? Me rogabam, 'Quare super aggerem stat ille dum nos in hac fossa fodimus?'" Respondit ei alter, "Hoc non scio. Ut roges eum."

Pedes ad centurionem venit et rogavit, "Quare super aggerem stas dum nos in illa fossa fodimus?" Respondit ei centurio, "Hoc facillime demonstrandum est." Centurio pugnum fecit pro vallo, dicens pediti, "Pugnam meum fortissime feri." Pedes pugnum centurionis feriturus erat cum alter celerrime pugnam removit. Pedes ergo fortissime vallum ferivit. Dolor! Dixit centurio, "Nunc scisne quare sto ego super aggerem dum vos in illa fossa foditis? Ego intelligens, vos stulti." "Sic," respondit pedes, et rediit in fossam.

Amicus eius rogavit eum, "Centurio dixitne tibi quare super aggerem stat dum nos in fossa fodimus?" "Vero," respondit ei alter. "Facillime est demonstrandum." Et pugnam faciens pro ore dixit amico, "Pugnam meum fortissime feri."
If you want the trench dug correctly . . . .

There was a Polish joke like this too, about punching a shovel.

Okay, off to see the work weasels. Gotta get all stimulated an' shit . . . .
If you want the trench dug correctly . . . .

There was a Polish joke like this too, about punching a shovel.

Okay, off to see the work weasels. Gotta get all stimulated an' shit . . . .

The Poles got it from the Romans, no doubt.
That's because you're filled with questions, but not answers.

Figures you'd consider that a negative.

Besides, it's impossible for anyone else to have any answers...

...when you're sure you have them all, dick.