Elizabeth Warren Proved A Complete Fraud

"proven liar, hypocrite and fraud, and ought not darken the halls of the U.S. Senate as an expert witness let alone a member of that august body."

I'm pretty sure we can say this about many politicians.
It's funny how the RWCJ knows more about her family background than she does. I wonder if there will be any apologies coming for all the abuses and prejudices her family faced in the past.
The Vettebigot will be existing on a steady diet of Dick Morris editorials and IBD editorials from now until election day.

Must be tough for him, the realization that he's unlikely to see another Republican president in his lifetime....

Chances for a Republican president in his four sons' lifetimes isn't looking too good either. Poor Lee, Harvey, Oswald and Castro may never know another Republican in the White House.
...but this thread is about her and her alone. But willy nilly, you jump to her defense regardless. So you can own it.

let me tell you, dipshit...

I have photos and stories of my family. We're also on the national registry for our nation, you know the one the asshole giving her a hard time is making fun of or and casting all kinds of racial remarks and jokes on. There are many out there that just have stories, and cannot always give actual papers. It's not always easy.

Do you have papers on your heritage, actual proof of your nationality? You fuckers will bitch, dig, and nit pick shit to death.
Her non-existent native American background now this:

Democrat Senate Hopeful Warren Exposed As Complete Fraud

Posted 09/25/2012 06:47 PM ET


I think Lizzie may be going down in flames.

Normally in Ma, she'd be a shoo in, she has the backing of D Patrick and his buddy Obama in one of the bluest of the blue states.

Brown, a tepid Republican, seems to be quite popular.
let me tell you, dipshit...

I have photos and stories of my family. We're also on the national registry for our nation, you know the one the asshole giving her a hard time is making fun of or and casting all kinds of racial remarks and jokes on. There are many out there that just have stories, and cannot always give actual papers. It's not always easy.

Do you have papers on your heritage, actual proof of your nationality? You fuckers will bitch, dig, and nit pick shit to death.

Nobody cares about my ethnicity. I'm 1/16 Cherokee, but I can't prove it, so I wouldn't put it on any sort of application.
Always a personal attack with you isn't it? Are you drinking tonight? You never seem to remember these personal attacks when I mention them.

This thread is about her and her lack of documentation, not you. You should start over and read it again. Your documentation does nothing for her credibility.

Yes, I do have extensive documentation on my nationality.:rolleyes:

Did Drive-by Skye have to leave for another drink?????

I find it funny when someone calls you on your crap, disagrees with you, or says anything negative, you immediately make mention of dicks, sucking dick, ass kissing, or drinking.

Without fail.

As for this being a personal attack, call it what you want. I was responding to the news post you put up, and the issue of her heritage in question.
You got to admit, she's a big enough phony to go all the way to the White House on the Democrat ticket.:D

Lizzie is a phony and a known liar.

I'm guessing she'll bite the dust in Nov.

If not, watch her challenge Hillary for the presidency in 2016..........:D