Donald, how are you going to bring down the cost of food and groceries?

He seems to believe that we can increase energy production (already at the highest levels ever - and worth noting our prices have gone up) to pay for it.
"I always have the best answers. Next question?" ~ donnie teh validctioran
Even the most Trumpish news outlets are noticing he's flubbed this softball of a question on three separate occasions in the past three months (Is there even such a thing as a "softball question" where Trump is concerned anymore?)

I listened to the first word salad answer he gave where he ducked and weaved then latched on to "Drill Baby Drill!" as a trial balloon and when some in the audience cheered he pivoted completely to oil leasing policy reform. He has THAT little mental cue card memorized.
He has no plans or ideas. He just makes shit up and criticizes. He says he would wave a magic wand that he has.
Donnie the One Man Big Mac Attack Force is unlikely to say anything useful about the food situation, so I'll say it:
As food production rapidly increased with mechanization, irrigation, chemical fertilizers, and Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, the food industry suddenly needed more food consumption. They created a desire, felt as a need, for more food by engineering cravings. As food production drops, we will need to cut out all those engineered cravings and focus more on nutrition. One big step towards that can be cutting out all processed foods and eating entirely home prepared and cooked food. Who has time for all that food prep? Single income households with stay at home spouses could be a big part of that solution.
Did he really say he’d increase the food supply? His obsession with windmills is truly weird.

Anyway, in the real world …

“Food at home” (groceries) prices increased 0.9% over the last 12 months.

Did he really say he’d increase the food supply? His obsession with windmills is truly weird.

Anyway, in the real world …

“Food at home” (groceries) prices increased 0.9% over the last 12 months.
His plan is to reduce farm product imports (thereby reducing supply and increasing prices) and in the next breath he's subsidizing farmers (which are often paid to control production, increasing prices)( and subsidies are paid with everyone else's tax money, so socialism), and make farmers more productive (maybe he can control the weather and screw farmers with falling commodity prices at the same time). So he basically doesn't know whether he's coming or going. Stable heinous.
Putting tariffs on imports will cut prices for consumers and no mistake.