Does a story "have" to include a full-on sex scene?


Going with the flow
Feb 4, 2002
I can't decide wether or not my characters should have full-on sex, or just a damn good petting session which leaves them both wanting more.

Do you feel that a story has to include a full-on sex scene? By this I mean intercourse. Can Lit readers be satisfied with just fondling, kissing, petting and such, or do they expect more?

Heavy petting is wonderfully erotic and can lead to a beter climax when it finally does develop into another scene.
I don't think "full sex" is neccessarily needed but something sexual has to happen and that sexual something has got to be pretty explicit and not just a fly by mention! As long as it is erotic,sexual and arousing I don't think penetration is always needed.

That throws up a question though doesn't it? What do you mean by full sex? It could mean heavy petting, foreplay,penetration and orgasm,thats definitely full of sex*L* Or do you just mean penetration?

I think if it makes your reader get hot then you're sorted,wether it involves all out sex or not!
I don't think intercourse is necessary, but except in the " non-erotic" category, I think orgasm is.

the foreplay can make the sex a small part of the story though.
Oh, yeah...

English Lady said:
That throws up a question though doesn't it? What do you mean by full sex?
that reminds me

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman"


the question of the meaning of "is"


Two of my favorite stories are "outercourse" stories.

I had one reader tell me that he liked one of my outercourse stories better than an intercourse story because he "liked the cum flying".

And, of course there is the contingency that prefers oral to penetration...

:rose: b
I'm with the others in the thought that you don't need penetration in every story. Some of the best sex scenes I have read involve teasing more than touching even. If the characters and scenes are handled well by the author, I think a very hot story can be written without penetration scenes.

Whether to have penetration or not even in a given scene withing a story depends on what the author is trying to accomplish with the scene.
