Do you show your REAL self here?



I feel I can easily tell who lives the lifestyle.
who is seeking information and would like to experience it
and those who are blowing a lot of smoke and living in a
fantasy world of "of boy, lets get out the whips and chains"
and tell stories.

Any opinions?
I think the people who are here as regulars are all real... and they have keen sense and don't put up with much BS. That is why I am always real. How could I learn more or be helped if I would have to remember all the lies I told? It wouldn't work.

I have been to some of the general boards and have witnessed a lot of wierd stuff and people trying to start fights. Since I have been here these great posters have been fair, honest and open minded. I am glad to be a member of this board.

CuriousMiss said:
I feel I can easily tell who lives the lifestyle.
who is seeking information and would like to experience it
and those who are blowing a lot of smoke and living in a
fantasy world of "of boy, lets get out the whips and chains"
and tell stories.

Any opinions?

What difference does it make to you or anyone else, who is "real" and who is not?

People like you are the reason, rarely post in here anymore.

Respond if you like, but you won't get anymore from me. This is stupid and it's crap.
CuriousMiss said:
I feel I can easily tell who lives the lifestyle.
who is seeking information and would like to experience it
and those who are blowing a lot of smoke and living in a
fantasy world of "of boy, lets get out the whips and chains"
and tell stories.

Any opinions?

Um, CuriousMiss, you might be taken more seriously if you bothered to register. I've found that those who simply choose to breeze these forums as "guest" are usually people I can never take seriously - about anything.
Re: Re: Do you show your REAL self here?

SexyChele said:
Um, CuriousMiss, you might be taken more seriously if you bothered to register. I've found that those who simply choose to breeze these forums as "guest" are usually people I can never take seriously - about anything.

Great post Chele.

My opinion (CuriousMiss) is that I couldn't care less about what your opinion is.

All types of people with varying degrees of interest in and comittment to BDSM post here. So you have theories on who is "real" and you think we are going to be interested in participating in that kind of a speculative and non-productive conversation.

No thank you!

Those in the know, may deem you worthy of the definition... but then again, shouldn't it be obvious? ;)

I enjoy seeing the basic lack of expressed extreme judgement, the honest questions/responses from different perspectives, and the diverse base of knowledge, interest and experience here.

It seems to foster an acceptance that can be rare, in including most in their path between understanding the difference between fantasy and reality, and participating in skin-to-skin BDSM in it's many expressions.

Kudos to the long time posters here for maintaining an open community.
Curious Miss,

In this forum, we have a short history, but one wherein the issue of "Real" BDSMers versus "Players" has been hashed and rehashed.

In recent months, we entertain any question, any insight with the understanding that all who read a post have the right to respond as they see fit.

The definition of "real" is vague, at best. How you chose to interprete BDSM may vary greatly from how I chose to. And who knows? Perhaps some who come in here with smart ass comments and a "show me the whips and chains" mentality are really people who are seriously curious about something they are not comfortable with.

I guess my point is , BDSM is as real as it is to you. It is completely individualistic and the term "real" BDSMer is a sore point for some here.

Yes, I post honestly. I do not post everything about me or my life. This forum only encompasses one small facet of my persona. Anyone with a serious question or who simply wishes to learn and discuss BDSM is welcome here. "Real" or not, vanilla or kinked. The door is wide open.

Now, go get thee registered so we may offer you a proper welcome!

:D:D :D
I am who and what I am. I don't have the time or mental energy to create some sort of false persona.

Run like the wind away far far away when someone asks about being real!

Re: Re: Run!

Desdemona said:

hey Des

Just when I thought i was board's thread ender I make you laugh and that is a good thing! thanks for cheering me up and helping me see i can contribute (even if it is just a good LMAO!!!)

pluggin' along the bdsm board:D

CuriousMiss said:
I feel I can easily tell who lives the lifestyle.
who is seeking information and would like to experience it
and those who are blowing a lot of smoke and living in a
fantasy world of "of boy, lets get out the whips and chains"
and tell stories.

Any opinions?

To me it does not matter .... this world is not REAL
I learn here and share here
I am who I am
that is all that matters to me
Re: Re: Do you show your REAL self here?

Richard49 said:
To me it does not matter .... this world is not REAL
I learn here and share here
I am who I am
that is all that matters to me
That's what makes you REAL , Richard
Since I seem to be one of the best thread killers on the board, I will go ahead and put in my .02 and maybe this thread will go away.

I hate the "my BDSM mojo is better than yours" bullshit arguments that go on here from time to time. None of us have the right to look down our noses at someone who experiences bdsm differently than we do.

Well...I have come here to learn more about BDSM. I am also honest in my posts. I do not 'give' out all my information of course, but what I do say or tell is true about me. I have nothing to hide nor do I have an agenda other than learning more about the lifestyle and how I fit into it.

I think that you must be a very special person t be able to tell who is real and who is not. You should try to bet on horse races or play the lottery too. If you can tell real from fantasy anywhere on the net you have more physic skills than most.:devil:
CuriousMiss said:
I feel I can easily tell who lives the lifestyle.
who is seeking information and would like to experience it
and those who are blowing a lot of smoke and living in a
fantasy world of "of boy, lets get out the whips and chains"
and tell stories.

Any opinions?

From what I've seen here, there's so many variables to BDSM, and so many levels of involvement, that there can't be a defined "real" BDSM'er (word?). Frankly, even those who you say are blowing smoke, and living a fantasy, might be ones who are curious, but all they know about this life is the superficial "Oh boy, lets get out the whips and chains". This is a great forum to delve a bit deeper, and learn that there is, or can be, a lot more to it than just that. I might be considered one of those by some of the more serious, long time posters here, but I'd like to think that doesn't make me any less real than they are. Everyone is here for a reason, whether or not it corresponds to those of the other posters here.

My opinion, is that every one here is as real as they allow themselves to be, but that those who take time to register before expressing opinions will be considered more real than anyone else.
Re: Re: Re: Run!

quietwillow said:
hey Des

Just when I thought i was board's thread ender I make you laugh and that is a good thing! thanks for cheering me up and helping me see i can contribute (even if it is just a good LMAO!!!)

pluggin' along the bdsm board:D


Darlin', you do contribute. I always read your posts. :)

Vulpesvulpes, I have killed at least as many threads as you. I just haven't posted much lately because my mind has been caught up with RL issues. This very post could be the end of the thread. :cool:
No the last post was not the last :D

seems I am seeing a lot of new "faces" here
and no some of the old ones

Thank god for those faces I do recognize
(not that they are old)
Desdemona said:
Richard, its good to see you posting. :)

Thank you

I do not have the "whatever" to be as active as I once was but....

Old hippes,soldors and Doms
don't die
they just SMELL that way :D