Do you honestly believe that a fetus is alive or not?

That's one of the reasons I don't attend church. One of many.

Without burying myself too much, I'll just say, I'm Pro-Choice. Even if that's not what you want us to post.
Don't so much care. I figure it only matters once it pops out. Still inside, it's just parts.
Of course it's a life. Once the sperm fertilizes the egg, it becomes a the most basic of definitions. But it's by no means a "fetus." At first, it's just a zygote.
At the point where the sperm fertilizes the egg, you have a zygote. A fetus doesn't form until many weeks later, and of course it's alive, otherwise it wouldn't grow and develop from one stage to another.

The question you are trying to ask is "when does a fetus become a baby?", but you fucked it up so badly I felt that I needed to pop in here and help you out.
Indigo.Rose said:
this is a painful subject for some people
you need to pick better idea's for threads in the future

Ditto. How can this not end up being pro-life vs pro-choice?
No comment.

Well actually I can't stop myself, so: Saying that a fetus in the earliest stages is a living human being is not something that I believe. It would be the same as saying that an amoeba (sp?) had the same life potential as a human being. I see no difference. At some point that mass of cells develops into a human being, at what point that is I have no idea. If I had to chose that point for me (and just my opinion) I'd say at the point that it "the child" could sustain life on it's own.
Backyard sweaty said:

Ditto. How can this not end up being pro-life vs pro-choice?

Exactly. And the entire argument hinges not on the question of when life begins, but rather what constitutes a human baby.
lavender said:
The question is not whether the fetus is alive, but whether the fetus is human.

Yes, the fetus is alive. An amoeba has life. But, the fetus is not human.

just what I would've said. Good show!
If you consider life to begin at conception, then you're literally saying that a single-cell, called a zygote, is equitable to a human life. I will say that I do not consider a zygote a human life. For that matter, I don't consider a morula or a blastocyte a human life, either.
*bratcat* said:

Ok, a zygote alive?

Yes a zygote is "alive" in the most basic of definitions. Just like a skin cell is "alive." The key is, when does it become a viable life? At which stage does abortion become murder?...this is the main area of controversy.
Nora said:
If you consider life to begin at conception, then you're literally saying that a single-cell, called a zygote, is equitable to a human life. I will say that I do not consider a zygote a human life. For that matter, I don't consider a morula or a blastocyte a human life, either.

That is the whole key to the abortion issue. It should be individual WOMEN that decide what they believe. Definitely not a man such as myself.

I think that fertilized eggs should be used for stem cell research. But even that would be a woman's choice.