Do you have to get the last word?


Polymorphous Perverse
Apr 9, 2002
I just got a charming PM from someone I debated with last night, just to let me know I was wrong. Funny stuff.

Do you have to get the last word in? Do you feel like it generally strengthens a person's position, or does it just make them look weak?
Anyone with a competitive nature will want to have the last word.

Knowing this, it's fun to let them have the last word in mid rant.

Example: That ridiculous Ishmael AIDS thread last nite....everyone stopped posting to it at the same time, right at the very point that he was ranting like a psycho, demanding answers in his charming way.

He was so pissed at not having an audience for his last word(s) that he spent the rest of the evening chasing and fuming at me all over the board...Mishcka and other Cliquers noted it.

I think the last-worders are funny and easy to tweak..**** for everyone!


There's nothing quite like letting some ass just stew in his/her own juices waiting and waiting and waiting for a reply that they'll never get.

Silence can be the ultimate in contempt.
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Debate or Conversation..

Debaters, especially massdebaters, must win the argument.
A conversation is the exchange of ideas/view/opinions between two people to glean relevant info from each other. The object isn't to win, just let each other agree to disagree.
superlittlegirl said:
I just got a charming PM from someone I debated with last night, just to let me know I was wrong. Funny stuff.

Do you have to get the last word in? Do you feel like it generally strengthens a person's position, or does it just make them look weak?

Eh, it depends. When I was younger--in my teens--it was the kind of thing I went for. Just arguing for the sake of it, though I don't think I realized it then. I was an angry girl. Heh.

There are some people that are too convinced of their own position to hear any others; in that case, I generally try to make my point and walk away. It's useless to try to talk to someone unwilling to listen or consider anything other than their own agenda.

However, I've been known to falter on this.

The long and short of this post is that, nowadays, if I continue a debate or conversation, it's not to get the last word.

I'm now changing my title back to tangential, thankyouverymuch.

Hey slg!
Frankly, I feel I can stop after I've gotten in my best word in. After that, I consider it to be a 'win', even if the other person is too stupiod or narrow-minded to notice. Once i get my point across, I can go.
I prefer the second last word.

The last word can be so anti-climatic at times.


superlittlegirl said:
I just got a charming PM from someone I debated with last night, just to let me know I was wrong. Funny stuff.

Do you have to get the last word in? Do you feel like it generally strengthens a person's position, or does it just make them look weak?

PM = superlittlegirl = email address

Kuntmode = Thanks :)

Kuntmode = (No Reply)

Superlittlegirl = PM 2 Hanns(Or Thread 4 Response)

Kuntmode = Dangled carrot and worked

Hanns = Bit, chewed, and ran around asking ?????

Sexy Girl = Kuntmode with bigger carrots

Kuntmode = Poetry to dangle

Hanns = Nibble nibble

Hanns = Announce! Announce!

4L = Back Hanns because you aren't replying to my PM's anymore

Sexy-girl = Ok! I can't figure you out Kmode. I won't say hi again.

Killer Muffin = My number is ****** Fuck you are a honey babe!


Lancecastor = K mode wants to borrow your used franger! Any objections you Mexican/Canadian/Peruvian = Hanns?

:) They got your trick? Go ask Sloppy Joe 4L tel!
The last word

It depends on whom I am having the conversation/ argument with.
In some cases I just have to.

btw, slg, just what is a Dildonian?

And again.


Why can't I kill this thread?

Perhaps I should flirt with someone...
*casts about*
Say, is that a D-Cell Maglite in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
KillerMuffin said:
Say, is that a D-Cell Maglite in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?
The latter.

Come help me express my gladness?
I will paint your body with derivative formulae in strawberry flavored, dayglo, body paints.
KillerMuffin said:
I will paint your body with derivative formulae in strawberry flavored, dayglo, body paints.

Okay so you'll formulate me... then what? ;)

Getting in the last word is essential for some, just look at these threads.